Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Snake of Perception..Positive change or Tragedy?

Hello Folks!

As the New Year becomes a reality we all should celebrate that we are indeed alive and part of this immense universe..The world as a singular entity has it's own problems and affects each and everyone one of us in a major way..Global warming, over populated cities, violent extremists religions, dictatorships, poverty, and the ravage of disease has put us on guard..The old days of giving your general practitioner a couple baskets of fruit from the farm in exchange for services rendered are now a thing of the past..Survival is the name of the game now and even political dictatorships try to hang on to power as long as they can hoping they can fool most of the people most of the time...

In discussing today's topic the Snake of Perception we can understand that sometimes evil regimes are in power for lengthy periods because their powerful manipulative strategy of familiarity can create the illusion of normalcy..This manipulative strategy can be applied to dictators such as North Korea's Kim Jong-il and  Iraq's Saddam Hussein..Evil dictators such as Saddam Hussein reaped their own devious harvest from the evil seeds they planted in previous years..The power of the people is actually a collective spirit of truth which will always win over the wicked who are manipulating them as dictators.. In discussing our main entry the Snake of Perception ..Positive change or Tragedy..we begin to appreciate that the destination our soul must go is toward universal truth and goodness..Survival is actually a demon or snake in itself because it clouds the soul's purpose which is to share the universe's bountiful harvest with each other..

Yes, the image of a snake or serpent gives this little creature a 'bad rap' as most people hate looking at them because of mental conditioning from society..The schools teach our children that the evil nature of Satan appeared as a serpent to tempt mankind..We have associated the symbolic image of a snake as evil and most people are fearful of them..the bigger the snake the bigger the fear..In discussing this entry let's disassociate our perception of a snake as evil..We will keep it symbolic only and if you want a snake as a pet you are welcome to get one as long as you accept it like any other pet and don't think it's the son of Satan..ok?

Yes..the so called perceptive skills of humanity can be quite intimidating and complex as far as mixing everything together so to speak..We have a thousand different perceptions radiating along our worldly borders..On one hand we have the hard working wife who likes to save for her retirement and the other the abusive spendthrift husband  who drinks away his sorrows every-night..We can say that the husband in this case is being strangled by our symbolic snake of perception..One set of circumstances lead to other sets and before you know it we have millions of dysfunctional families inhabiting the world..The human tragedy is that what is evil, abusive and wrong  can also be very familiar comforting and normal to someone who does this on a continuous basis..He would be the ideal candidate for a complete change makeover...These types of people can be very apprehensive to change..Once this happens we can say the snake of perception has almost swallowed him whole..making him totally useless as a father husband or son..

So in retrospect let's examine the perceived illusion that we all are in a big jungle where survival is king..and in some ways no better than animals as humanity continues to show it's false superiority over the other creatures.. Yes.. the arrogant and greedy human thinks he is the sole caretaker of this world while all those innocent animals and millions of starving people roam around trying to survive.. The Earth's power brokers constant pilferage of this planet is ongoing.. Greed in this case is the main theme here while humanity continues to be barbaric and reckless about the earth's natural fish stocks,as carbon emission levels skyrocket to unheard of levels..The snake of perception in this case will be strangling our planet and before you know it there will be few natural resources left to sustain us in the next hundred years..My my Mr.Verifiedbeliever you are at it again huh? I know it seems like I'm putting on my doomsday helmet while waiting for the big crash thump of eminent doom but as millions of people cry out 'The End times are nigh' the ultimate question should be asked: Is there a silver lining? Well if there wasn't I would not have given myself the title of verifiedbeliever now would I? (he he)

Well.. my little pic above proves that I too can be pessimistic as well as frustrated as I wrestled with my snake of despair in the past..Actually there is probably more than one snake that I contended with on a daily basis..To reiterate all those demons,snakes, and faulty perceptions I have experienced would take three or 4 blog entries..Let's just say that life 101 was and is a real experience ...Not exactly quicksand but I can truthfully say that I have won many battles with courage and ingenuity. I can faithfully recount all my battles with the evil serpent of perception quite clearly.As I venture into the present and future I have at my disposal tremendous weapons of mass destruction to eventually destroy most of the evil that has lingered in the cobwebs of my mind..I love the US strategy of Shock and Awe and can truthfully say that it also applies to the strategy I currently use to wrestle with my symbolic snake of perception..I will recite here with complete pride and conviction that my status of the verifiedbeliever wasn't a fluke and I rightfully deserve this title!

Thinking only of today and not caring if it could cause me harm was the faulty snake of perception which actually made a bit of sense..The rationalization goes something like this: "We are all going to die of something one day ..Might as well enjoy it..besides I need to smoke because of the pressures all around me. My wife makes me nervous". Well everything changed in 1990 as I left the matrimonial nest and ventured on my own..The best way to quit smoking is the Cold Turkey Method and it really does makes you a stronger person..laying the foundation for faulty perception corrections in the future..The snake of perception regarding the many ways to help one quit is totally amazing..People are so gullible and there is a powerful industry out there that wants to raid your piggy bank to the tune of billions..There is: The patch, nicoderm gum, laser therapy, shock treatments, electronic cigarettes and the list goes on and on..The only true way to quit smoking is to do it the natural way.. the way that develops character..Well I did believe that quite profoundly in 1990 as I quit cold turkey and never looked back..Little by little I became stronger as a person and it really did lay the foundation to correct those faulty perceptions I had throughout my life.For many years I was paranoid of dentists as they smile struggling to get the leverage to pull out a very stubborn wisdom tooth. The image of a dentist  forcefully yanking out a molar  with pliers made my hair cringe at right angles.. As you know the root of a wisdom tooth is like a hook and at times the oral surgeon has to cut open the gum to get at the root of the tooth..I kept on seeing this in my imagination and avoided going to the dentist for over 40 years. The snake of perception had a hold on me and it never let go for over 40 years..Can you believe it? Well..drinking on weekends was another devious pastime in my late teens..I would go home to my parents home drunk..but actually had tremendous shame already installed in my persona as I wobbled to my bedroom at 2 am..At least I didn't bother my parents and was a good drunk..I knew that drinking was a loser's game and it would have led to my demise had I continued in this path..I also quit drinking cold turkey and knew that it was not for me..Being over 320 lbs in 2009 was a constant struggle..Being made fun and being admonished by strangers was actually no help..It only made me madder and meaner to people in general..How did I finally see the light? Well...blame it on the bossa-nova..hehe...namely my verifiedbeliever!..You see it all starts with the seed of faith..What you believe in your heart of hearts will set the stage for future actions which are in sync with your inner beliefs..I believed in the power of truth and even write about it here..Change doesn't happen over night and it took over 5 years of writing these series of entries that gave me the spark to actually change..It was if my higher power or alter ego demands it!

My spiritual convictions were awesome and true and it set up an emotional charge in my reticular activity system in a special area of the brain..I actually believed that smoking, drinking alcohol, dental phobias, and obesity were wrong..I matched my belief with a saying in the bible that states: The body is the temple of the Lord and actually believed this with all my heart..and correlated this maxim  with all future actions related to it..I reasoned that consuming alcohol, nicotine, neglecting my teeth as well as being at an unhealthy weight was contradicting the above maxim..The body is the temple of the Lord..I reasoned that I am a spiritual being trying to be human rather than a human trying to be spiritual..Putting the cart before the horse this way made absolute sense to me..This led to the evolution of my alter verifiedbeliever..and the snakes of perceptions that I struggled with all these years were actually the result of my humanity struggling with my spiritual side..Realizing I am two distinct entities made me put the spiritual entity in charge...Once the spiritual entity takes charge the lower entity of the materialistic conscious mind surrenders..This is a form of NLP and is gaining popularity as a common sense solution to phobias fears and addictions..I performed subconscious surgery on myself and realized that reprogramming my value system in the subconscious part of my brain actually changed the neuro-pathway links in the reticular activity system..and thus creating a new pathway for feel good neuro-transmitters to travel to..Using songs that I love to listen to also set up an emotional charge...Songs such as The wonder of you by Elvis..gave me the belief that not all women are materialistic..  It also gave me the hope that I could actually fall in love again..If I view the song as a self help therapy session, then falling in love with a special woman would be a distinct possibility ..even after a disastrous marriage..Taking the meaning and emotional charge from a song and applying it to your own life is an awesome strategy..It is a form of NLP and it works!..but it only works if you apply it and believe in it..The seed of faith is all it takes to start the ball rolling! Leaving a loveless marriage takes courage and I applied this NLP technique as early as 1990 when listening to the song 50 ways to leave your lover..It gave me the courage to leave the matrimonial nest..It's not easy to leave so quickly when you have 2 small children..but was made much easier after listening to Paul Simon's song 50 ways...The more I listened to that song the more courage I had to actually leave and start over..We are both happier because of it!

In conclusion let us all put the cart before the horse and realize that spirituality is a powerful entity in itself and it can change your value system to reflect a truer path or destiny!..

Now if you are in the middle of a jungle photographing rare birds in Brazil and a giant Anaconda comes up to you and wraps his awesome slithery body around you while taking a bite at may not think it's the proverbial son of Satan...but one thing is absolutely certain: He won't be fussy like us humans and ask for steak sauce! (he-he)

Stay tuned for my next entry of the verifiedbeliever! Ciao Love yaaaaaaaaaaa!


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Max Dexter said...

verifiedbeliever, your article on the snake of perception rings true..a lot of people will not answer the call though..which is why the world is the way it is..but yea..there is always a silver lining..we must withhold our judgment
and find things which resonate deep within our persona..ten people can influence 100..if you believe it..and I know you do..great entries..keep up the good work!

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