Monday, April 25, 2011

4 Session Stop Smoking Program

William Webster Age 45
Date of session/interview-April 20/2011
Reason for visit- wishes to quit smoking

Nature of Problem-(Client history application handout) Started smoking since he was 16. Started coughing heavily about 2 months ago (smokers cough). William is a chronic smoker and smokes 40 cigarettes per day.There is a great incentive to quit since his wife told him she would emotionally support him if he chose to quit permanently.William had no other medical conditions as per Client History form and is otherwise reasonably disease free.William had no other previous experience in hypnosis or any other smoking cessation program. When I mentioned why he smoked he had to think a bit. Then later revealed to me that he was very stressed out at his job and as a result made him chain smoke at times to relieve the stress.

(Why) When Where What-(Book 1 page 87)(Stop smoking contract handout) William mentioned that he smokes on the golf course Saturday and Sunday from 9 to 5 pm. After playing golf he and his golf buddies would go to the club house on the grounds and have a few beers and also smoke (on the patio deck outside). He also smokes at lunch hour at his job as an IT coordinator. William smokes in the car whenever he's driving and also smokes while doing chores around the house.After a brief discussion I discovered that he was a better candidate than I thought because of his consideration for not smoking in front of his wife or kids. He did mention though that he would light up on the patio when friends come over (who also smoke). He mentioned that he felt bad because his wife and kids left them alone outside while he and his friends would smoke. He felt segregated and alienated toward his wife and kids because of his habit and is willing to do whatever is necessary to permanently abstain from the terrible habit.I mentioned to William that his stress problem could cause all sorts of problems psychically and I mentioned that the stress hormone cortisol could cause cardiovascular problems and would inhibit and negatively affect his ability to burn fat (metabolism). He could relate to what I mentioned because by nature he was an analytical type who loved to solve problems as an IT coordinator.The fact that one set of circumstances affecting other sets of circumstances seemed similar to a computer IT troubleshooting flow chart.He was totally amazed by my rational type thinking and agreed that there were valid comparisons between the two situations.
William agreed to sign the Stop smoking agreement and has agreed to stop smoking for good on May 18th 2011.He understood his goal statement of quitting by May18th 2011. He also understood the Primary Objectives and the Enabling Objectives (His behavior) that were on the Stop Smoking agreement he signed.He realizes that this smoking cessation program will be in 4 2 hour sessions.. one week between each session. William also understands that he must be committed  to being a non smoker by May 18th 2011. He is to make daily records of smoking for the next session.He also understands he has a job to perform but I did reiterate that this program is based on baby steps..I gave him visual imagery analysis of a baby trying to walk..Things will come natural by persistence and different than a baby to walking for the first time.Once the mind achieves small weekly goals a neuro-pathway of habit based on experience will be forged in the brain..He understands that during his first session period he must throw away 10 cigarettes while using pre-sleep self hypnosis suggestions..saying to himself: I find 30 cigarettes a day more than enough for me.He understands that every new week he must throw out 10 cigarettes and at the beginning of the 4th session he is smoke free at 0 per day.He also must buy a different pack of cigarettes from the one he is using and to put the cigarettes away in a drawer..take out any ashtrays nearby and must drink a glass of water prior to smoking..and must say this to himself: "Do I really want to smoke this cigarette"? He realizes that to quit smoking takes discipline and it will make him morally and mentally a stronger person in whatever he partakes in life..I did encourage him to the effect that it will get easier and easier as long as one sticks to the program as instructed. He agreed to my terms and was anxious to proceed to the next step.

Suggestibility Tests utilized-(Book 1 page 9-17) In order to create the initial rapport with William we discussed what his golf handicap was and the type of vegetables he plants in his garden. I discovered William was more of an extrovert friendly type and actually gets along better with quiet but focused types. He feels more relaxed with these types of people and I reiterated that I was also a focused introverted type but had a switch in me that would make me more friendly to people who were also friendly. He seemed to be amazed that I told him I had a switch that I could turn on at will and he mentioned that I was not the run of the mill kind of guy..His comments made me like him as a person and because of this I was totally committed to make his smoking cessation program a success.
Because of our successful rapport between us he agreed to two suggestibility tests. I explained that the Chevreul Pendulum test was a simple permissive test which measured his suggestibility. His results proved positive (pendulum moved in the right direction) and was quite happy he found out he was hypnotize-able. I briefly explained that another test should be initiated to test for suggestibility just to make sure.I rationalized that a permissive test for imagination was extremely important because of the visualization and guided imagery I would be using later.He did mention the gentle approach and the fact that he would get to use his imagination was very important to him.I re-iterated to him that the imagination is the most important force in hypnosis. William felt a sense of relief when he signed the stop smoking agreement contract. He felt the smokers survey pinpointed quite accurately the reasons why, what where and when he is likely to smoke. He mentioned to me that when he was 16 he took his first cigarette under peer pressure . He wanted to fit in and it seemed all the cooler guys smoked.He remembered working on a special IT project and said: "I deserve this cigarette after all the stress I'm going through". I was surprised that he felt it was a reward to him but than I reassured him that smoking does the body no good.He was happy that I pointed that out to him. He seemed very relieved after this discussion and the fact he participated in the suggestibility tests and was ready to relax with an induction.The progressive relaxation induction was used as a suggestibility test and also an induction ..He was highly suggestible as per the two tests.

Induction method used:
Progressive relaxation Induction:(yellow sheet handout script)(stop smoking script induction handout)
After William sat calmly and more relieved than ever I began implementing and continued the progressive relaxation Induction. I felt it was necessary for him to totally relax since his job was very stressful..and used my own power wording so as to accent and compliment the script and also used the stop smoking induction script as a powerful suggestive induction ..Also used my own wording to compliment the two inductions

Techniques (deepening technique white page handout)
Near the middle of the progressive relaxation script I began to use deepening techniques to help him relax even more and bring him deeper into hypnosis saying: "You will always be aware of all sounds around you and sounds such as coughing, paper shuffling and any movements will bring you deeper into hypnosis as you totally relax even more and more"..." The only sound you are interested in is the sound of my voice as you go deeper and deeper into hypnosis. Other deepening techniques I used for example: "As you are sitting with your eyes closed you will notice that your eyelids are shut tight. They are shut tight just like glue." "Each time you exhale you will automatically go deeper and deeper into hypnosis...You will feel great as you relax even more and more as you exhale ..

Analytical Techniques (Book 2 page 182)
My discussion with William based on his smoking survey that he previously completed was fruitful in that he now realized he smoked because he was either stressed, lonely or he considered a cigarette a reward that he deserved. My job as a consulting hypnotist is to convince William that these were self-limiting beliefs and actually were the main blocks to his eventually quitting . I decided to implement the stop smoking script (yellow handout) and near the end I decided to use a visualization guided imagery progression. Progression is used to take the client into a future time line where they are guided to the eventual outcome (smoke free scenario) I guided William to enjoyable scenes into the future. He saw his wife and kids laughing and mentioning how proud they were that William had the common sense and fortitude to quit such a terrible habit.As he laughed and joked with his kids I brought William to another enjoyable and beautiful scene where his golf clubs were in the front lawn. He saw his wife haggle with a customer as William stood there laughing with the kids. She sold his golf clubs in their garage sale and William jokingly said : "I think I will buy my indoor golf kit"He saw his wife hug him again as she reiterated the no smoking policy anywhere anytime. William seemed to radiate energy in this guided progression visualization as they both danced to old rock tunes on the CD player after the garage sale ended.

Abreaction and how I dealt with it (Glossary at end of Book 2) (Book 2 page 233)
After William experienced the deepening in the progressive relaxation induction he mentioned he saw a quick but focused flash of him at 16 being tempted by one of his friends to have a cigarette..Under the induction it was important for him to relive this experience and for me not to intervene too quickly. I brought him there to that time place when he was 16 and I let him live out his emotions..I asked him questions about what he felt when he was tempted to have that first cigarette..He said : reluctant..I then asked him to let go of any pent up emotions regarding this negative experience..I paused for a few minutes while William struggled with that first cigarette..I let him relive the first sensitive experience of smoking at 16..

Desensitization or Behavioral Techniques (Book 1 page 87 NGH course)
Since William was primarily behaving in certain ways..such as smoking in particular places with friends ,at the golf course,at work when stressed...Thus we can truthfully say he was behaving in a very structured and predictive way..During this period of discussion with William I was non-judgmental as I assessed his behavior..The smokers survey list under the smokers agreement contract clearly shows how his behavior relates to his habit..By taking away the association we go a long way in treating the problem of smoking for a reason..I smoke because I'm lonely..have my golf buddies over for a drink and some cigarettes..  By behavior modification we take away the event associated with the temptation to smoke...Such as William no longer goes golfing with his buddies..sells his golf clubs.and is replaced by a positive set of guided imagery in which the temptation to smoke is gone Once we can pinpoint his behavior we can go a long way in solving the problem..Taking away the accompanying behavior will in most cases take away the will to smoke.Replacing the ashtrays with a glass of water a direct input of something positive to counteract the will to smoke..Behavior modification this way makes perfect sense and is used as a tool to quit smoking..

Therapeutic Suggestions ( book 1 page 88 to 92 NGH) (Steve Jones NLP Practitioner's Course)
Of course nightly affirmations prior to sleeping will keep the mind focused on the end result forever..Post hypnotic suggestions by the hypnotist and nightly affirmations will keep the client from relapsing..Without these affirmations a relapse could occur..Daily anchoring during the waking state and saying the affirmations will make the client a permanent non smoker..Such as clapping your hands while saying "I'm an ex-smoker and feel great" will go a long way in making the client smokeless..Wearing no smoking t shirts putting up signs around the house to not smoke and avoiding people who do smoke is also good therapy..All these suggestions were giving to William and he seemed to relish the fact they made perfect sense..
Also using NLP techniques would be instrumental for a more well rounded more powerful improvement for the client and to be used in conjunction with induction..

Before the induction process I put more importance on discussion with William. I would briefly discuss with William how the subconscious (and unconscious mind) already has 90% of the habits beliefs already programmed in them. I would discuss with William the need to reprogram his thinking in a waking state so that he would better absorb the powerful induction processes.William understood that his smoking was a robotic reflex conditioned response action and it felt familiar and comfortable for him..I would stress to my client William that in order to quit this habit he must re-program his beliefs and make them conscious enough times so that the subconscious mind will accept them.I would make William understand and agree upon the importance of the 10 presuppositions of NLP. I would ask him to take the leap of faith and trust me.. I would then touch his shoulder with my right hand (anchor of trust and sincerity) .I would also ask William that whenever he wanted to to anchor self trust and sincerity to himself he would touch his middle chest area with his right hand..while quietly in a relaxed state say: "I'm an ex-smoker and feel great" Since William was computer literate and is very computer savoy. I would in a waking state use the computer swish. An avoitor icon with a black set of lungs while smoking was prepared on the computer screen. I would ask William to drag the icon all over the desk top. He also noticed a red dot flashing in the middle of the icon's chest area. He mentioned that the black lungs didn't bother him too much because he was used to seeing them on cigarette packages...but the red flashing dot reminded him he was some sort of target waiting to die..It was quite profound.I mentioned that planting a bad seed such as smoking would reap a bad result and that would make him a target in a way..He understood that this was a universal law and agreed that it was powerful.I asked William whenever he wanted his trust and sincerity to be there for him. I would ask William to do that little exercise of him touching his chest area with his right hand (and say the above suggestion)..then dragging the bad seed (red dotted icon) around...make him aware that it was a bad seed.. then would ask him to drag it toward the garbage bin ( recycle bin)...then to delete it totally so it's not in memory. Then I would ask William to imagine a pink colored lung icon on the screen and to visualize himself in a future pace time line of having a new set of lungs as a result of being smoke free.. I asked William to drag the good icon around the computer screen to familiarize himself with how good it feels to be smoke free and to be breathing easier again..Then would ask William to replace the bad seed icon with the good seed fresh lung icon and say this suggestion to himself: "I'm an ex smoker and feel great" as he touched his chest area with his right hand (anchor of sincerity and trust) I would ask William to do this exercise 10 times a day..while at work and home..

Self Hypnosis-Auto Suggestion Exercise (Self-hypnosis 3 step plan handouts) page 90 book 1
There are a lot of things a client can do to continue his therapy during his time alone..William was instructed during hypnosis on the 3 step self hypnosis scripts..At each session he was instructed to use these self hypnosis techniques..The first session on pre-sleep he was instructed to anchor all ten fingers twenty times while saying the affirmation.."I find 30 cigarettes a day more than enough for me"..By saying it before he went to sleep it would give his subconscious ample time to reinforce it by the time he would awaken in the morning..and the subsequent 2nd and third sessions would be to reinforce self hypnosis during the day while continuing the pre-sleep self hypnosis nightly..Each successive suggestion would decrease the amount of cigarettes smoked..until he was smoke free...

Outcome of therapy
William had a very positive experience with this 4 session smoking cessation program..He is willing to continue the nightly affirmations along with the daily self hypnosis affirmations...When he was smoke free I gave him another use in his self hypnosis.."I'm smoke free and feel great"I'm very positive William will not relapse based on his very serious and disciplined approach to the methods we used..He kept his records up to date and by May 18th 2011 was smoke free..and could not wait to go home to tell his wife...He was overjoyed..

Discussion and Conclusion
When I discussed suggestions during the waking state to William he had that insatiable desire to quit smoking for good..Without that desire to quit it is very difficult...Of course I could invoke the desire by hypnosis but it would be much easier to have the desire already in place before the interview and induction process.. I also feel that labeling this as a bad habit makes it easier to cure rather than labeling it as an addiction..This stop smoking cessation method is a very disciplined approach to quitting..taking the baby steps method is a good way to do builds character and is a strong foundation to cure other addictions the client might have...Quitting slowly as in decreasing the amount of cigarettes gives the dopamine reward system ample time to re-route new neuro pathways in the brain.. along with basic powerful NLP techniques in the waking state this is a fantastic method of smoking cessation and I totally recommend it...

Client's Comments After Therapy (Book 1 p 98) of NGH book
William was happy to quit on the exact day he planned..His comments were.."I can trust myself better now".."I can set a goal and achieve it with no problem"..He mentioned that he started to chew sugarless gum and began drinking more water...and increasing his fruits and vegetables to a larger amount  ...He felt great and recommends this program to anyone who is disciplined and has the desire to quit smoking..

Follow up therapy (Book one page 101)
I have agreed to follow up William with a telephone call each week to reinforce his decision to be smoke free. I have mailed him a Stop smoking follow up questionnaire and actually gave him a no smoking T shirt I give my clients after the successful completion of the program..This also reinforces the subconscious mind to accept positive change permanently..He has no problem wearing it every day in the summer..even as an under shirt..Reminding himself every day he is a non smoker is a powerful therapy I use on all my clients..

Assessment of My work 
I feel I did a good job of presentation of this stop smoking program.I found that my attention to detail and doing things in a focused manner helped the client immensely.. and also made me a better hypnotist consultant.. I also feel that the experience from this type of bad habit will help me with other clients who suffer from food addictions or weight loss problems..Adding NLP methods compliments very powerfully with the induction process

Suggestions for Improvement (Book 2 p233)
There are a lot of areas that I do not have experience age regression or going back to that first sensitive moment earlier in a person's life requires a more experienced approach.. especially when abreactions are displayed in the induction process or in the waking state. William with that first sensitive moment when he really didn't want that first cigarette but felt pressured to have it by his friend in the group...I was right in letting William live out his displeasure and frustration and only by doing this makes him aware that his problem was deep within and in his distant past..A more experienced approach would be to intervene in a more proactive manner by what is termed The AFFECT which the experienced hypnotist guides the client back to its origin and bridges him from the present to the past causative experience. The client is encouraged to deal with the original experience which is actually the seed which still affects him even today..The hypnotist  is finding associations from the past which is responsible for behavior in the present..
 Also the therapeutic addition of NLP methods above need to be used so as to make the client more rounded in the waking and trance state..and makes the client more open to positive suggestions which will change them more readily..

End of study


Ashley Williams said...

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