Monday, April 25, 2011

Verifiedbeliever's Hypnosis Clinic (Weight Loss Case Study)

Name: Helen Frederick
Date of Meeting: April 25th 2011
Reason for Visit: Wishes to loose 20 lbs (achieve BMI of 25)

Nature of Problem: Upon discussions with Helen I have come to the conclusion that she is experiencing a lot of frustration regarding her weight... it's not the fact that she is overweight that concerns me but the fact that she already has lost 50 lbs over the past year but gained 20 lbs recently over a period of 3 months..She feels terrified that she will gain back the 50 lbs she lost and then some..I had Helen fill out the client history form..She has no history of any disease..but over the past 3 months her blood pressure has started to climb and is now 150/90 when sitting at a Blood pressure booth at Shoppers Drug Mart and is roughly the same when visiting her doctor..Her Doctor has prescribed 10 mg of Ramapril (altace)  (an ace inhibitor) to try to lower it to normal.Upon discussion with Helen her blood pressure was 120/80 one year ago and that could of been attributed to the 50 lb weight loss.The nature of the problem is her emotional instability..She broke up with her husband 4 months ago and claims to be a nervous wreck..Because of her sadness with the breakup she has resorted to comfort foods such as chips, pizza, cookies, muffins ,donuts etc..I feel her attraction to all this junk food is temporary and frequent but I do not believe her attraction to junk food would be long term chronic..

When, Where, What ,Why (Eating habit Inventory sheet handout)
Finding who Helen Frederick really is regarding her beliefs was very important..Her beliefs regarding food was surely informative and important to understanding how to help her.. For example when I asked her what her beliefs and values regarding food were..She always had that belief that a meal isn't complete without dessert.. When I asked her if she thought that cookies muffins donuts were considered dessert..She said yes...She believed that they were..Since she still lived in the matrimonial house she often went to the coffee shop a few blocks down to have a do-nut or muffin or even a coconut cream pie (her favorite )..and coffee double double..She claimed that staying home after dinner brought back too many memories of her husband..I asked her what kind of meal she would prepare when she returned home after work..She usually has something quick like a frozen dinner or would flip a couple of burgers on the stove along with some fries.After further discussions I had her fill out a Eating Habits Inventory..Helen I discovered usually ate when she was nervous stressed sad frustrated and Lonely..Usually she would eat chips while watching TV or most nights she would go to the coffee shop and have a muffin or any kind of do-nut or coconut creme pie with ice-creme..She usually has a coffee double double when at the coffee shop..Also after talking with Helen she mentions that she feels empty inside because of the split with her husband..Among the reasons why she eats junk foods that were checked on the inventory list were: She ate chips while watching TV..She used to watch TV with her husband and I felt that her eating the chips was a substitution for the lack of his love..Whenever she wanted to be loved she would eat some chips..She also checked off: To compensate for something unpleasant, to feel more important and to feel  secure..It was obvious to me that she felt all these emotions because of the split with her husband..

Suggestibility Tests utilized: Book one (Page 9 to 16)
I implemented the Chevreul Pendulum test (permissive test) to Helen..She was curious about the pendulum because she saw so many demonstrations of the swinging ball on TV or comic books..I really don't know if she was nervous but she did not do well on this test..The ball did not move in the direction intended..She seemed very nervous that she didn't do well but I reassured her that a different test was necessary before we could proceed further..

The second attempt at suggestibility was the Hand Clasp Test (Authoritative Test)..It was a test of the imagination which I explained was so important in hypnosis.She did very well on this test ...Which proved to me that she could follow instructions and can visualize things with her imagination..She seemed to love the fact that I would take charge with her and push her this way...She mentioned that she was in a very fragile state of emotions and needed someone to push her and guide her to her goal..She was used to her husband taking charge in a lot of things and his authoritative manner..So an authoritative test  like this was natural for her.. 

Type of Induction Method Utilized: (The Ego Strengthening Script by Dr.Hartland) (Yellow handout)(weight loss script hand out)
I rationalized that Helen needed something to elevate her insecure and unloved feelings...Obviously she was feeling sad lonely and miserable..and she needed to elevate her inner security with an ego boost such as this..I also used the weight loss handout script induction as a follow up suggestion induction to accent  her potential to change her eating habits..

Deepening Techniques utilized:(Deepening techniques hand out)
I wanted Helen to relax totally and at the same time boost her ego until she felt better and better..Deepening techniques used: I would count from 10 to 1 as I continued to instruct her to go deeper and deeper..I used Compounding Suggestions such as: Every move she makes and every suggestion I make will make her go deeper and deeper and more relaxed.I used imagery involving an elevator ride and had her starting from the 20th floor and as she continued to go down to each numbered floor she would go deeper and deeper into hypnosis and also would have the added feeling of joy and contentment..I used realization as a deepening technique and brought to her attention that all of the suggestions and wording were working and that she was responding quite I would say...."Very are doing really well or I would show my approval when she follows every instruction by saying "that's right" and that every thing you accomplish well will bring you deeper and deeper into hypnosis... 

Analytical Techniques utilized:(Weight Loss Script orange handout sheet)
(Higher Choice Hypnosis website...Anat Weinstein C.Ht.)
My job was to help Helen locate any original decision that was inhibiting her ability to feel better and loose weight..and then to encourage her subconscious mind to reject any self limiting beliefs..I did not want to use age regression or to go back to an earlier sensitive moment...since it was a recent problem with her I decided to use visualization and guided imagery..but before I used visualization and guided imagery I wanted to address the problem she had with food..She responded quite well with the weight loss script and followed my instructions to the letter..After the weight loss script she was receptive and ready for some visualization guided imagery..which is classified as an analytical Technique..Still under hypnosis I guided Helen to a more disciplined approach...I reasoned that she responded well to an authoritative approach toward an improvement..I used a hypothetical time-space scenario of boot camp in an army training session.. and guided Helen to a place in the USA..I mentioned to Helen that she was the only woman at the camp and that she felt very comfortable marching with the men there...As I guided Helen at the training field I would ask her to visualize orderly rhythm of feet as they marched ...I asked Helen to look at the men who were marching with her and that they deeply respected her because she had the discipline to march with them...They saw her as an equal partner in the boot camp and even smiled at her while she marched...She visualized and felt the warmth of their they all marched in time with the drill Sergeant's commands... I went back and forth to how the proper choice of food takes discipline and that it was within her reach to achieve this discipline..Again she marched and marched to a steady authoritative command of orders..She felt totally at ease with the men marching with she looked at some men lovingly and respectfully...She began to see men as people and that they were her she continued to march...I then gave Helen a post hypnotic suggestion...When you hear the words hup two three four you will accept it as a call for discipline...especially when eating the right foods and I asked her to say those words when walking so as to make the subconscious mind accept the call for discipline...Every time she walks she will say hup two three four repeatedly 4 times when it's time to pick the right foods..or eat..I then brought her back to the training field a she felt totally at ease with the men there...I asked her to hold her head up high and stay secure and focused as she marched to the disciplined rhythm of the marching soldiers..I mentioned to her that it takes discipline to fight the temptation to eat junk foods and that eating them would cause her to retain water and decrease her ability to burn fat..I asked her to breathe deeper and deeper as she continued her guided imagery of the training field..I mentioned to her that she would have to deal with many men in her life and that was something she could not avoid..

Ab-reaction: (Glossary Book 2 ) The act of Helen reviving the memory of her husband as he lived in the house was repressed in her memory. She had pent up emotions of him from time to time ...She responded well to the other men marching with her in her guided imagery visualization exercise..She saw them as loving equals and that was a very comfortable feeling for her..She felt secure and content while she marched..Again I did not want to press her about her husband because I did not know how much she was repressing but I could see the fact that many men were marching with her gave her the courage and discipline to continue marching..She showed no strain or deep emotions when she looked at the other men...As a matter of fact she felt comfortable with them marching with her...I believe that the introduction of men marching in the guided imagery visualization was a good foundation for her to forget her husband...Since he was the one who was unfaithful..I pointed that out to her when in trance with the other men marching with her..Once she realized that there were many men in her life that she would have to deal with she accepted the realization of being single for now..

Desensitization or behavioral Techniques (Book 2 page 184 NGH)
In the desensitization process we expose the client to a bit of the fear and slowly she begins to fear it less and less thus desensitizing her to the actual fear...In Helen case the feeling of being alone without her husband made her insecure...By exposing her to many men in the guided visualization imagery exercise she looks at all the men in a loving and respectful manner and realizes they are her equal as she marches to the disciplined approach of the boot camp..They look at her with respect and that in itself desensitizes her to the actual loss of her husband not being there for her..and the fact that another man would respect her also makes her more secure in itself..Once the root cause of the problem is addressed the act of choosing the right foods becomes easier..

Therapeutic suggestions: (Steve Jones NLP Practitioner course)
In a waking state I would use NLP therapy and would stress how important it is for Lisa to accept this in conjunction with therapeutic induction. Calorie restriction carb restriction and proper food choices and increasing water intake.. ample fiber nutrient dense water based foods ,protein and exercise is a powerful strategy to take..I asked Helen to believe what I say is true and to trust I asked to anchor her forehead with my right hand..I then asked Helen to anchor her own self trust and sincerity by touching her chest area with her right hand saying...I look healthy and trim every day. It was important that I had Helen's trust by anchoring she felt at ease and more suggestible to accept the healthy wisdom of  the proper food choices that I gave her..

Self Hypnosis Auto Suggestion Exercise (B2 page 110)

I instructed Helen to do an auto-suggestion exercise in which she would relax close her eyes or have them open..She needed to concentrate on these suggestions..but not too hard..just effortlessly and with tranquility.."I feel calm relaxed secure, muscles are beginning to relax as a beam of sunlight enters my body and spreads relaxation and warmth throughout my body..My subconscious mind is  now open to receive the suggestions I'm about to give myself"I feel great about my commitment to take off 1.5 to 2 lbs each week" (3 times) ..I'm in complete control of all my eating habits (3 times) The body is the temple of the Lord (3 times)...feeling calm and relaxed etc etc. Then she counts forward from 1 to 3 and gradually opens her eyes..
Self hypnosis step 1 to 3 is also taught while in hypnosis..the step 1 pre-sleep using all ten fingers as anchors..anchoring each finger with her thumb while saying the suggestion I'm loosing weight steadily every day  Step 2 self hypnosis was taught to Helen in her 2nd session ..sitting in the chair comfortably is important focusing on a spot opposite her ...she takes 3 deep breaths holding it for 3 seconds as she counts backward 3 ..2...1..she remains in this hypnotic state for 3 min by counting slowly from 25 to 1...she awakens from a count of 1 to 3...She was instructed to do this for 7 days...after which she would be ready to receive suggestions..
In her 3rd session step 3 in self hypnosis is basically the same as step 2 but with added powerful measurable suggestions which has a reward attached to such: Every day I'm getting slim and trim eating nutritious foods

Outcome of Therapy
Helen started to loose an average of 4 pound a week and by the end of 6 weeks had lost 24 lbs..The reason it was such a high figure was that the first week she lost a lot of water...She was terribly bloated retaining water from the added sodium and sugar she was consuming from her pizza chips muffin cakes and do-nut..She stopped going to the coffee shop and her visualization imagery exercise induction  made her more conscientious about her and not about her being lonely..The reason why she put on 20 pounds was because she would eat at night...I mentioned that her metabolism slows down in the  evening and since she did not exercise in the evening she gained 20 lbs...she now understands that timing is everything in weight loss and because she increased her fiber, water and decreased her sugar and salt...she began loosing fat after the 2nd week..and now has lost 24 lbs and will continue to maintain the weight ...

Discussion and Conclusion
Weight loss is a very tricky could be super easy or super hard depending on one's discipline and one's desire...Again one must have the desire and discipline to improve...Helen real problem was not her weight was her emotional instability resulting from her impending divorce from her husband...Once this problem was resolved loosing the weight became effortless and easy..

Client's Comments after Therapy
Helen was happy and took my suggestions to join a gym and talk with other women ...who probably had problems such as hers....Once she accepted her situation as being single again she began to enjoy life again...She mentioned that my weight loss clinic was very authoritative but in a respectful manner..She has promised to do all the suggestions and self hypnosis every day and night according to instructions...and can feel the difference in her body...She has more energy and her blood pressure dropped 25 points from the weight loss..She feels less bloated and empowered that she had the discipline to do this..

Follow up Therapy (Book 1 page 109)
I gave her a follow up questionnaires after each session...and have promised her one free session in two weeks to make sure she stays on course..( Since I'm a new clinic I have decided to do this)
Gave her a menu to follow with a complete list of high fiber, nutrient dense, water based, low glycemic foods..Instructed her that since she is on a higher fiber diet she must drink more water...She has promised to drink the required glass before each meal and one glass after each meal... and then the required amounts throughout the start the proper digestion momentum..She particularly likes the suggestion The body is the temple of the Lord..and feels very powerful when she says it..She claims it's therapy in a deeper level...I agree with her..

Intern's Assessment 
I feel that every client is different...there are many reasons why a person goes off track and does things that are detrimental to one's health emotionally and psychically..Once one finds the reasons by association then the induction sessions would be more fruitful...the less resistance or blocks the more the person is suggestible to positive input by the hypnotist. I feel that proper knowledge is important in communication with clients..I felt I had the confidence in my procedures and then transferred that confidence on to showing the act of discipline in my induction method (her being a soldier with other men) gave her the motivation to proceed seriously..

Suggestion for Improvement (Steve Jones Basic Practitioner Course (On line)
Helen could of used more powerful NLP suggestions ...covert suggestions which she could not be aware of consciously but unconsciously it would...In NLP there is a method called the New Behavior Generator which could of helped Helen better...I did mention to her that I lost 140 lbs over 2 years using suggestions and NLP techniques..When one adopts a role model one can change their personality if the role model is a good example..Other NLP methods such as future pacing puts the client in the future and how the improvement looks to them...This is of course in a wakened state..I could of used this technique on Helen and it would of been powerful...I would say...Imagine yourself a thin trim beauty who loves to have fun ...Imagine yourself at a party 2 months from now and people complimenting you on your figure..Future pacing is similar to progression but is more client sensitive and one has to go back and forth to zone in on the now or present time line...

Other suggestions for improvement would be to insist on a daily food diary for the client..This would zero in on what she eats on a daily basis and establishes consistent control...Once you mark down one's weight on a weekly basis and compare the foods you eat with the patterns of weight have a system in which corrections can take place before major mistakes evolve..

End of Case study


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