Monday, January 28, 2019

2019...Resurrecting our Faith..

hello folks!

Happy belated New Year my fellow readers!...My procrastination had a hold on me...and quite frankly I was hurt by its powerful claws around my neck...Nobody likes to procrastinate and most feel terribly guilty when they do...but most of academia would verily agree that it is one of those many nasty terrible habits that a lot of people are enslaved by. Yes dear people we are a slave to our habits and we must understand that when this happens the term .'going through the motions rings true..we are then classified as the biological equivalent to a computer which literally is run by a program..Everybody thinks this is normal for computers and the sad fact is that most people also think that being a couch potato is a normal thing to do...because the more we do it the more it is accepted by the subconscious thing we know is the tv needs to be enjoyed fully...and what better thing to have while watching it is pop corn, cake, beer chips.cigarettes get the idea! They are all terrible habits and before long the ramifications of bad habits start to affect your health..All from repeating bad habits on a daily basis until it becomes automatic..and dare I say normal! In order to change...and I must agree that change for an older person is very difficult...but indeed it's possible only if we follow the rules of replacement thinking..Replace all bad habits with good ones until they are a habit..The law of attraction might be a bit redundant but it's a powerful concept...Positive thinking and validating this thinking through actions will attract positive results..This is the only way to change that bad subconscious paradigm which ruins many lives...

Yes it is easier said then done and I'm not perfect either...but how can we kick-start ourselves to even agree to a major change? Well...we can quote the bible when Jesus said.."Truly I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain 'Move from here to there' and it will move..Nothing will be impossible for you!!!

This quote is awesome and holds power we cannot even imagine..We all do lip service to JC and praise his powerful actions and words but on a subconscious level we do not believe...We are going through the motions of being a Christian or catholic.. singing beautiful songs in church makes us feel better for a while but the negative paradigm still kicks in!...Consider this typical scenario: Bob calls one Friday night and says 'Hey Harold let's get drunk tonight...the old lady is giving me a hard time! Then Bob comes home  and his wife yells at him for setting a bad example to his kids...Her negative comments or triggers attract negative actions as Bob ransacks the living room and as a result breaks the mirror over the dresser!..The sad fact is that a lot of these bad habits start affecting a relationship...between husband and wife and the children are given this bad show on a continuous basis until one day they also repeat what their parents did twenty years earlier!

I have said this many times in my entries of the Verifiedbeliever. Circumstances affect other sets of circumstances..and how we react to this truth is the measurement of how high one vibrates as a human being....yes we all emit vibrations...I often wondered why my higher self and at the very least my basic intuition was so sporadic and uneventful. Well now I found out the real reason. Hallileau my fellow brothers and sisters!!!! We all need to vibrate at higher levels so the feeling that you are a robot or biological machine will not enter your conscious mind!...I know I know it's very hard to be a better person and be Jesus like...but we can try right?...This reminds me of Bruce Springsteen's song the Rising...It was a song written by Bruce in memory of the sept 11 attack on the world trade centers..We all felt down in the dumps and no amount of good cheer could get us out of this despair...It was felt in Canada and around the world!..The song 's lyrics talks about the things that are negative and how hard life really is...and the clincher was that we all need to rise above our despair and reclaim our soul's power! the Title the Rising indicates..

Yes my dear people..I'm no preacher and not even close to being like JC himself but I know one thing..that my main purpose on earth is to be a better person!..not a notoriously infamous bank robber, rapist , murderer, fraudster, drug pusher, liar, get the message?!...This world has many greedy people in it that do not give an owl's hoot about our enviroment..If they are making a fantastic bottom line profit and dumping waste chemicals in the lake will help that bottom line then they are going to think profit instead of responsible planet management!...Corporate entities and their CEO's are then vibrating at very low levels and once you vibrate at such low levels higher beings that may be out there in this universe will not communicate with you..any entity which is more powerful than a human being is considered by us as god like...Call it whatever you want but God in it's real sense is a powerful entity which is vibrating at the highest level!...Because of his unlimited power and unconditional love for all beings he can only communicate with someone within the universe if this being also vibrates at a level that can be's quite logical only needs to believe or have faith..Faith felt deeply within the persona will vibrate within that person and will get to higher levels only when we can validate this faith through our actions, sincere praying and adopting spiritual traits that are described in the next paragraph below...

So in order to change our identity we must change our personality traits into spiritual ones..So what vibrates at low levels or maybe doesn't even vibrate at useful levels!?...Well here may be a list...on the lower rung of the vibration ladder..there is hate, indifference, greed, anger, impatience, narcissistic behaviour, arrogance, violent and destructive behaviour negative attitudes etc. Alternatively on the top of the chart are...unconditional love, compassion, patience, faith, spirit of friendship, empathy, humility,the ability to listen, honesty, clarity, truth, charity towards others, and the list goes on and on...

Clearly there are two ways of thinking and acting which is why we really have a brain that is divided in two.. exactly like a walnut !!.In order to change or a better word would be to transform is to raise our vibrational levels so that we can be heard and felt by subtle higher powers which operate on different dimensions or frequencies...Do you believe it?????...The more I research and read about this the more I believe that society as a whole should adopt this policy...Sadly human nature will make it difficult or next to impossible to form a utopian society.. JC are you listening? Iam sure he is! Which reminds me of a song I wrote about JC..."Coming around the bend" Clearly, the son of man will be coming around soon enough!...

 While we wait for JC's arrival we might as well start the process of transformation or enlightenment.. this will as a result change our own circle of events or circumstances...if we can commit to this self transformation then it would be easier to influence others!

In conclusion we need to elect government leaders on the basis of their vibrational levels and leaders in general who can influence the remaining low vibrational non believers...but one consoling silver lining to all this is that we all have a switch that can turn the light on or off....just like a light switch...when you want light you turn it on and when you want to sleep in darkness you turn it off!

Now what  if your light switch is defective!?....well my fellow an electrician...or, watch u tube videos and learn to fix it yourself... Halleluiah!!!!

Stay turned for our next entry on vibration levels and how we can raise our own levels!! Ciao...Love ya!

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