Thursday, June 06, 2019

No I don't have memory loss or Alzheimer disease

hello folks!

My my we are here and are still cosmic travelers in space...when you think of it..we are going for a ride around the sun once a year at a speed of 19 miles a sec or 67000 miles per doesn't really feel like it does it? I feel like I'am standing still but looking at the global perspective we are all travelers in space..If one was going that fast on earth we would be totally amazed as to that awesome its all relative in the grand scheme of things! Isn't it?

At 67 years old and counting my life seems to be going along pretty fast as opposed to my youthful days in grade school..those years seemed like an eternity and it really felt like a prison sentence sitting in a chair listening to a teacher who I hated or admired depending on the inspiration I received..So again it's all relative and everyone has a different perspective on how to relate to a bunch of grade school students..Once the real world showed it's real face I felt like I was in a cubicle of 4 walls waiting to be sprung out any time..Did I enjoy it?...Well there were times I did and times I didn't and to assume it was a disaster is faulty thinking..I learned to read and write and to accept that there were subjects I had to have and subjects that were a total waste of time..To tell you the truth most of my learning came from the day to day expereinces of life itself..One thing that was totally valuable were periods of encouragement from a teacher who said I had potential and knew that what others saw was not what he saw...Suffice it to say he was using a spiritual toolbox that I remembered to this day and it made a magical imprint in my subconscious mind..which still comes up to the surface from time to time...yes...schools today are not what they used to be...important things concerning life are not being taught...things such as how a person thinks feels and acts and how one can relate all that to the outside world of work or one's social enviroment..

At 67 my life is experiencing an awakening due to my constant re-programming...of my subconscious mind...Spirituality is very important to me and my better half...we both spend many interesting days with each other reading spiritual parables...The bible is a tough read...and there are many passages which are confusing and contractictory but as we all know JC himself used to relate to others by reciting parables which have a motivating spirituality to them...So is retirement a lazy alternative to the every day pressures of a 9 to 5 job?...Well to tell you the truth I don't think I will ever retire...Let's define work as something that adds value to a job well done...Fixing things around the house will add value to my home when it's time to sell sometime in the future...So in a sense I'm working..

Taking care of my wife is not easy...being a caregiver and a husband while working part time in my business is a great challenge and Yes I did make choices to take care of her...having severe athritis is no picnic and making sacrifices is what love is all about...a relationship should be based on mutual takes many many years before a person will show their true colors and I have been very fortunate and blessed that I have finally found someone I can relate to...but old age sometimes jolts us a bit and getting up in the morning is a real challenge...stiff joints and difficulty walking is what we have to look forward to every day...but thank god we both are alive and do not have any major terminal disease...One of the things that bother me the most is the terror that I may have Alzheimers...but after some research on the subject I must say I'm not a victim yet...and may never be one!..Do I forget where I place things?....Yes I do and it's very frustrating...Forgeting where I put my coffee one day literally scared the living daylights out of me..It was a normal day (I thought)...having a cup of coffee is the norm in our household...and the coffee helps me think when I'm doing a job that needs concentration...such as certain home repairs...One day as I was putting up a new curtain in the living room I was sipping my coffee while I was studying where to put the rod...I went to get some tools in the garage and for the life of me could not find my coffee cup..I went back to the garage to look for it and then back to the living room and looked all over the kitchen and still could not find it...Two hours went by and my anxiety started going through the roof...then all of a sudden it was staring at me like a ton of bricks...right in full view behind the coffee machine!...apparently this happens to a lot of people and being a senior citizen has nothing to do with's called DOP...or disapearing object phenomenom..there is a logical explanation to it really...we are so focused on something else so much that we temporarily do not see something that is not as important to us...but the dam coffee is very important and what I felt that day was temporary insanity I thought!...Well...there are many reasons why we do not see things...keeping the dam coffee cup in one location will dramically help you find it when you look for it...but constantly changing locations scrambles the brain till no end...and that's what I did that day...I never put the coffee behind the coffee maker but that day I did...once its behind something you will look for ever for it!! the solution to all this is to put it where you are working or on a coaster where all coffee cups rest on in the kitchen table...but other explanations could be possible.. such as slipping through the cracks of different dimensions and later re-appearing....worm holes, rabbit holes comming from different dimensions is a very interesting explanation for the DOP and I really love that explantion as opposed to having full blown Alzeimers disease!!...So let's all relax and enjoy retirement and ignore all those young people who would rather us roll over and play dead!'s something a dog would do when playing around and being a senior citizen will always have those senior moments and we should not be alarmed when they do happen...being older is like fine wine and yes it can get better...just believe that in your heart of hearts ok?

Just a little tid bit of wisdom for all those young folk who think they will live forever...your life is awesome for now and your day will come when you will really drag your feet...but if you are young at heart...that is what really counts doesn't it?...So Stay tuned for our next entry of the ya!

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