Friday, October 15, 2010

Garlic is also as the previous rendition... (Ave Maria)..(Listen to it as you read this entry)..

Hello folks!

As the summer faded away rather gracefully, Schubert reminds us of the purity of this beautiful rendition of Ave Marie..My total persona shivers with total comfort and joy as my ears and third eye dance harmoniously to the power of what is pure and decent..They say music does have a calming and tranquil effect for the soul but as I sit here listening to this rendition my heart pounds to the beat of a universe that is pure and complete..This singing of Ave Marie brings my lower part of me to it's knees and  begs  forgiveness from the most high..all the sins of man seem to take a glorious bath in spiritual waters as each note is sung crisply, clearly, and purely! Can there be anything so pure that compares with this song? Purity in it's simplest terms is something that is manifested by the creator..  No man made made tampering or alterations are necessary..Why? Well..God is the ultimate artist and designer of what constitutes purity! If the above song were to be made into a rap song to appease certain cultural groups...then the purity and spiritual power of the song would be lost forever! Such is purity!

What else can be pure in the eyes of the spiritually aware? Well there is the lowly garlic bulb! Such a pure and noble little thing that packs a wallop of medicinal benefits for anyone who dares to eat it! Why dare? Well tell that to society and it's ignorant rule makers who insist that a man or woman's foul smell of garlic is deplorable and unwanted..Yes I do agree it can smell rather rustic and earthy but if you compare it to the stench of cigarettes, underground sewers, pollution from cars,trucks, planes, factories, and  the stench of animal slaughterhouses.. it really is starting to smell rather appealing!...What makes the smell of perfume and cologne so superior anyway? My stomach and head goes in a 'tizzy' when I smell very strong perfume coming in my direction..It seems you can smell it at a longer distance then the odor of garlic..I can't seem to understand the logic of it all though...if people put up with stronger and more foul smells,why can't the noses of North America show some consideration and accept garlic's odor as natural and necessary!?

There are many undeserving rock stars on this planet who take drugs and who are a terrible example to today's youths..but they worship them as gods and get excited when they play their favorite songs..Making them undeserving heroes and role models..The twisted mentality of people makes my hair cringe as I quietly chew on three cloves of Argentian garlic..Yea, the lowly garlic bulb is my role model for the super benefits I'm receiving by consuming this wonder food..
Any nutritionist will tell you that if one wreaks of garlic odor it means that it is absorbing and now working  and that person will get medicinal benefits...Let us quote Hippocrates when he said: "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food"...As garlic permeates throughout the body it is absorbed in the blood and the odor can then come from one's skin, breath and eventually from sweat glands..When a person is in this state superior medicinal benefits are bestowed upon him..I personally have been told I smell like an old shoe for taking this wonder food but do I worry about those people? Not in your life! Why would I? Blood lipid levels have improved dramatically by taking garlic and it is known as a fat burner as it increases one's metabolic rate while lowering one's LDL cholesterol as well as slightly increasing the good hdl cholesterol, while improving triglycerides and blood pressure makes me wonder why people disrespect it's reason for being..The main medicinal ingredient in garlic is allicin which is an organo-sulfur compound released by a chemical reaction when it is finely chopped or crushed..The pungent odor of allicin helps fight bacteria, viruses, molds and yeasts and aids in the prevention of many serious diseases..Of course it's also a good team player and works very well with onions while the both of them are widely known to lower fasting sugar levels in many study trials..So Mr. Verifiedbeliever...why are you so 'head over heals' in love with garlic so much? Well...let's discuss why I thank the heavens daily for this beautiful medicinal food! Be prepared this will make you a believer...dare I say verifiedbeliever?...(he-he)

To begin: Garlic and a truckload of other natural plants and vegetables were created by God for the benefit of mankind..Some are medicinal if used the proper way and if eaten in proper amounts..The fiber in vegetables and plants give the stool bulk as it passes along the colon picking up ten times it's weight in water..Water, fiber, toxins and fat cells are then excreted through the colon...As long as water is consumed this cycle of digestion is made easier if one uses this little trick..Constipation is thus prevented as well as diseases such as diverticulitis and colon cancer..Do people consume natural products such as these? Well considering that 90% of food sold today are processed can see that people are totally in love with junk food..I must say if everyone started eating natural wholesome foods that are grown naturally from the ground the economy as we know it would probably experience a financial meltdown..The well oiled profit greed machine is alive and well in society as we see big Pharma putting patents on consumer drugs which could probably be better served if natural foods replaced them...We all know that  big bad drug companies have a stranglehold on gullible people who take these drugs..The fact that drugs can be patented and sold for obscene profits gives them a powerful incentive to keep on producing them..The lowly garlic bulb is a classic example..It is by nature an antibiotic but cannot be patented..So what do the drug companies do? Well they play copy cat and try to play god and create an artificial antibiotic which can be sold to millions of people through mass  brainwashing that is directed to to the medical profession..The drug companies wine and dine the medical profession into accepting their drugs, giving doctors blind authority to write stupid prescriptions to millions of unsuspecting  people..

Penicillin was discovered accidentally from the mold of natural cultures. Sir Alexander Fleming discovered that a culture of staphylococcus bacteria was infected by an airborne mold which literally destroyed the bacteria. Even though Fleming did not patent the penicillin mold, in later years many synthetic versions of penicillin were mass produced and were eventually patented..This started the antibiotic revolution resulting  in Sir Alexander Fleming being knighted in 1944. Penicillin resulted in many cure rates of people suffering from pneumonia, scarlet fever, syphilis, blood poisoning etc..Many of the later types of penicillin began to be ineffective resulting in bacteria being  resistant to the antibiotic...thus starting the super germ controversy in general antibiotics used today..The habitual tampering and evil tinkering continued on to many other types of was all profit orientated as one antibiotic became resistant to the bacteria another antibiotic was discovered and patented to continue the profit making spiral of hell..

Once the bacteria mutates because of the antibiotic it eventually becomes more intelligent and begins to develop into super smart bacteria..This spiral of chaos is still continuing today as antibiotics have caused super germ infections to people...doctors seem to be helpless when they find their patients hospitalized for a super germ infection that was actually caused by using antibiotics..Tampering and tinkering with a natural product and other synthetic creations has created a monster in the medical profession..the sole purpose being profit! Once the super germ has been created and spread to many people drug companies find it harder and harder to find an antibiotic to counteract it!..

Clearly, some synthetic laboratory produced antibiotics are not the answer! Do drug companies have the health of you and me in mind?  Well...suffice it to say that money talks! Let's discuss totally natural products to enhance and even protect yourself from bacteria certainly is not going to do any harm considering that many people are considering natural means for protecting themselves anyway!
Enter: Our little buddy the simple little garlic bulb!..One question that is entering everyone's minds now is this: Does the medicinal antibiotic component allicin in garlic cause bacteria entering the body to mutate the next time around or cause a super germ to counteract it? The answer is NO! Germs, bacteria and even viruses are killed on contact as long as the component allicin is in sufficient quantities in the blood stream..The million dollar question then is who do you trust? Profit motivated drug companies or God? It was God who created garlic and a whole truckload of other natural wholesome foods! They act as a team to counteract germs and bacteria...thus enhancing one's immune system!..Why tinker with something that the body already has in place? The right foods are the key to fighting the internal wars going on inside our bodies..coupled with sufficient exercise..the body can wage war on those little demons!..Believe it!
Recently I read that there is a super-bug infection in Canada called NDM-1. This super strain of bacteria secretes an enzyme which blocks almost all antibiotics from fighting certain bacteria. It all starts with a gene within the super-bug bacteria. This gene is what makes this bacteria intelligent.. Bacteria need to survive as much as people do! Scary huh?

So let's all become our own experiment and discover the beauty of what this world has to offer..Purity is powerful because God made it that way!
In conclusion ...I would like to declare my eternal love for my Argentian garlic bulb by making you a part of me! (See next entry) by saying to you: "Even though being associated with you stinks, I will always cherish you in my heart for the rest of my days!".....

Ciao Love ya!


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