Thursday, December 09, 2010

Think you're potty trained huh?....Think again Ladies and Gentlemen!

Hello Folks!

My my this weather is getting a person down..the rain doesn't seem to stop while old man winter' is slowly  rising from his yearly slumber..Weather in the The maritime region of Canada seems to have caused pandemonium  for many people in that region...flooded basements, floating cars, and a general damage price tag of millions has made people realize that the song "Those Times they are a changing" is becoming a more flooding , hurricanes, tornadoes, and general chaos has made the world fall down to it's knees in prayer..Today's international beliefs sometimes center around a possible second coming while things like a grilled cheese sandwich with an impression of Jesus on it sells for thousands on E-Bay..Weeping and bleeding religious statues has caused people to believe again ..thinking the end times are scientists scramble to estimate the onslaught of what 'Climate Change' will do to our world!

To be honest I'm not trying to scare anyone but let it be known that this blog is about change and the improvement of the total persona...'Mr. verifiedbeliever..are you at it again'? 'What in god's name are you babbling about today'? Well...suffice it to say that life can be a chore and a grind but those little things we all take for granted may not be so straightforward after all...Let's take something in nature and examine it under a microscope..For example: We all defecate once a day or even twice a day...and there are those who do not have a bowel movement for days..Are they little children? Well..we are talking about adults here...everyone thinks they know how the body works when it comes to the calls of nature..We all believe and understand that when nature calls it just calls and we....errrrr...just do it and it happens, right? are some general facts: As every budding chef knows in the food business, preparation is really 80 percent of cooking...Anyone will attest to that and it is really not necessary to have any commercial experience to realize this.Most women and even some men are very handy in their home kitchens...cutting slicing boiling frying and baking is quite a chore if you have to do it all at once..but the beauty of cooking is that it is job focused and we let our taste buds guide us to food appreciation nirvana!..A lot of people do eat the right combination of foods which enhances the immune system and makes the digestive system function as it was designed..On the other hand millions of North Americans eat salty, fiber-less foods which are really not welcomed by our body..Yet millions of North Americans eat these foods which in the short term causes constipation..but in the long run can cause colon cancer..How can such tiny  taste buds outsmart a human being?  Unbelievable as it sounds millions of North Americans are addicted to these processed foods which have tons of taste but very few benefits..Can we be enlightened Mr.Verifiedbeliever? Well..let us compare the cooking and preparation process to how one can prepare our digestive system to eliminate wastes properly..Cooking and preparation can be an art if one can combine nutrition and exercise as it relates to a properly tuned digestive system.. We can and do have the ability to do many things properly.. but the trouble begins to show it's ugly side when we throw time in the equation...She says: "I really don't have the time to chop those veggies Susan, I have to pick up Helen at school and drop her off to her piano lesson..Just order a pizza tonight ok? Here's 20 dollars...You know what John and I love..Ex large with double cheese and double pepperoni!" This kind of scenario is a very common occurrence in millions of households in North America..Very few people have the time to chop, slice and prepare food the way God intended us to do.That's the very weakness that those big food manufacturers prey on..They realize this and all those fast easy frozen dinners, cakes, processed meats and canned goods are a god-send to a family who has no time..Our priority is to our jobs, and our part time activities..You pop in a frozen lasagna tray in the microwave and presto! We have an instant dinner made for a king! Or so we think!? Well..if I was a king and lived on all those frozen dinners I would not reign very long would I?

Today's reality is a far cry from our cave man ancestors who's only game in town was survival..They hunted plucked and gathered.Colon cancer, diabetes, and even heart disease were virtually non existent in those prehistoric times...In today's fast paced world the top 5 fatal killers are: Heart disease, Cancer, Stroke, Lung disease, and diabetes (climbing the ranks quickly)..Mr. Verifiedbeliever , are you scaring us again? be honest yes I'am! ..There are many people who fear God and therefore will obey him..If that works, and the person begins to be a better human being,then fear can be a healthy thing..Sound logical? Well it's the same thing with diseases..If one is curious and also fearful of  disease then he or she will be his own self advocate and will practice prevention like a disciplined soldier..Don't expect your family doctor to do this..They only do damage control and that in itself is a very dangerous way to aid patients..but in today's world most patients rely heavily on their doctor and only go to him when they have a problem..and the ignorance and manipulation continues as doctors fear being sued while hiding behind their MD qualifications.. To practice and advise prevention before the actual disease is not how they operate.. If heart disease is the number one killer then who is the General in this war on Heart disease? Well it's certainly not the doctor...Is it? Want the job? It pays good (priceless health) and there are lifetime time benefits and what the heck... you will even be healthy long enough to go on holiday! (he-he)

In order to understand the digestive system better let's explore how disease begins to grow in the body..The best clue to disease is understood more intelligently on a cellular level..The top five fatal killers have two elements in common..Inflammation and free radicals:Free radicals are molecules missing an electron.These free radicals scavenge for healthy cells and routinely steal an electron..Thus damaging the cell membrane and eventually mutating it..Inflammation does heal the body but in this case it cannot repair the cell so the inflammation literally feeds it and the vicious cycle multiplies and before you know it..Disease is spread throughout the body! Scary enough for you? Being a disciplinarian when it comes to truth will eventually make you a healthier human being...Trust me on that!

If all this is starting to shock or annoy  you then so be it! I will have done my job showing everyone including myself that constipation and eventually colon cancer can be beaten..If we can do this naturally and correctly then we can drastically minimize the risk considerably.. "Well Mr. Verifiedbeliever how can we effectively cut this risk drastically, I'm scared out of my wits" Well... the answer is in how we store food and how it accumulates or stagnates in the digestive track (bowels) The sad fact in today's world is that it is profit orientated and the short term solution is worth a billion dollar industry to those 'big bad Pharma devils'!  They visualize 'cash register utopia' while millions of people line up for oral laxatives, stool softeners, and suppositories..In order to understand how colon cancer can originate one needs to separate the need of the mind from the need of the body..The mind needs that extra large pizza with double cheese and pepperoni but the body says..."Don't give me this or else I will go on strike and you will pay dearly!"
By being judicious, patient and a bit of a disciplinarian one can cure the problem by simple life style changes..

In order to implement life style changes let's discuss how the digestive system works..Any intelligent doctor worth his pay will tell you that the human colon is the "sewer line" of the human body..The expression "everything but the kitchen sink" sadly applies in some cases and in order for this carefully designed digestive system to work efficiently it has to be properly prepped and maintained..Intestinal muscle contractions called peristalsis does the job of moving everything along..reasonably well...and here's the catch..It has to be trained with the proper foods and protocol..The digestive system of the colon can get log-jammed with undesirables such as fiber-less foods  and or processed foods..If the colon muscles are weak or there is not enough water or fiber in the diet then the impacted stool becomes very hard and takes longer then normal on it's way to the rectum..Any doctor worth his salt should know this and should properly discuss this with his patient..even if the patient doesn't complain about constipation the doctor should ask how their patient's stool looks ..Is it in small little pellets? Is it small but thick upon a visual  inspection? These clues are a reliable tip off to chronic constipation..If this happens every two or three days then one has to do some serious thinking...Normal bowel movements are from once a day to three times a day and anything other then that can be a very serious issue some time down the road..Difficulty in passing stools can cause anal fissures and hemorrhoids and could and in most cases lead to colon cancer..The build up of toxins in the body is the result of impacted fecal matter and if this continues toxins can be deposited in the tissues and the vicious cycle of inflammation and free radicals emerge..Remember our top five fatal killers? As a General of the war on these diseases what are you going to do about it? Still want that Pizza? Hm...remember we are all Generals in this war on disease..The body does it's best to fight it but it needs the proper tools and co-operation..Generals arrange for ammunition and use defensive and offensive strategy in an actual war..Think about it!

In conclusion let us adopt a better lifestyle of prevention when it comes to diseases such as colon cancer..Constipation is only a symptom but can be the mother which leads to this disease.. You might say :"How can we battle it Mr. verifiedbeliever?. I just enlisted as a General..I'm so happy that I didn't even have to start as a lowly private...Fantastic huh!?" Well my dear Generals the verifiedbeliever is coming to the rescue: Here's the blueprint for a healthy digestive system:... No need to ramble on and on..'let's walk the talk'..My daily rituals are now automatic and I thank my alter ego (verifiedbeliever) for the courage and belief system that has totally transformed my health for the better...

Here's the scoop: Upon rising in the morning I start drinking some warm lemon water with honey (loosens  stool)..and  take a 300 mg magnesium  citrate pill (relaxes intestinal muscles)..Then go around the block twice (takes 35 full minutes)...I return and drink the other half of the tall lemon honey mixture..Pedal on my stationary bike for ten minutes..(this action moves the stool closer and closer to the rectum)..After my enjoyable period on my throne I take a bath...Breakfast is: high fiber foods, high water content foods and one or two protein sources..along with monounsaturated healthy fats, such as avocado (one serving is half an avocado), olive oil   and or omega 3 fats, such as sardines, walnuts (be careful with the total calories consumed) sprinkle some physilium husk..(a natural bulk expander)..lunch and dinner are made up of high fiber nutritiously dense foods..such as cabbage, Chinese mustard greens, romaine salads, bok-choi and any other high fiber vegetables..  High water content foods such as celery, cucumbers, pineapples and  papaya can be eaten during the day as snacks, dessert or mixed with breakfast..Proper amounts of protein are eaten to achieve satiety along with any meals..(100 grams a day)..The main idea here is to be hydrated and satisfied and feeling good about it...Also we all have to watch our caloric input ..remembering that caloric restriction can activate the longevity gene (the sweet 16 gene that was recently discovered) This is done by controlling insulin levels.. We must not over-stuff ourselves, chew our food well, and must exercise daily..  Snacks are always with some protein but with added high fiber and high water content foods...(such as celery sticks with peanut butter)..There are no processed foods ,soda  pop, candy, cheese, milk or canned foods on my agenda.. or any sodium laced foods..(Salt laden foods cause the body to bloat faster.. so pizza, canned sauces or soups and all forms of chips are to be avoided)..After eating these meals I take another one hour walk prior to bed time..Before retiring I take a warm glass of herbal tea with another 300 mg magnesium pill)...I profess and solemnly swear by the grace of god that my sleep apnea has now been cured and I'm now fast approaching my ideal BMI (lost 120 lbs so far!)...

To summarize  the formula can be simplified drastically by this: Adequate proteins, high fiber, nutritiously dense foods,monounsaturated and omega 3 fats,  plus high water content foods and a moderate or intensive exercise program along with 3 liters of lemon water throughout out the day.. a natural bulk expander such as physillium husk added to meals (one or two teaspoons)..maybe a couple of magnesium citrate pills..The above regime works beautifully for me and the low carbs high fiber,and nutritiously dense foods has stabilized my fasting blood sugar..So there is proof in the pudding!Your body will love this but will your mind say yes?

There you have it! Let me know how you are doing.... Don't fuss or sweat it...These tips work and proves that you don't have to suffer all alone on your throne! Take a chance and be your own experiment..Those  evil 'pharma-devils' will hate you for it! (he-he)

Stay tuned for our next entry of the verifiedbeliever....Ciao Love ya!


Eliana B said...


I could read your article... It's very good. But there is one question... From what I learned... After 35 minutes (your morning walk) lemon water has lost vitamin C and is already oxidized, it's not healthy. Am I wrong?

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