Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Is this Possible?....You decide..

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!

As the clock of time keeps on ticking is it in sync with truth as we know it? If you met a person for the first time and he or she didn't make a positive impression on you would you prejudge them and alienate yourself from future dealings? Or would you try to understand them and look for clues as to who they really are? Most people do not have the patience too understand people...People by nature like friendly people and are attracted to their positive vibes..Most of us tend to  repress things we do not want to hear..if it makes us think too much...People will accept free samples of chocolate bars from street corners without thinking but will people accept truth which is also free but has a zillion times more value? We all know the answer to that question..Some of us will and many of us wont..It is far easier to say I want to be healthy then it is stop eating junk food, smoke cigarettes, drink soda pop, or over-indulge in beer...Instant gratification is the answer folks! We do not want to hear the realities of truth.. we prefer to keep the cinderella idea of it and leave it unattended as it shines...As a consulting hypnotist and also a seller of truth I sometimes feel frustrated if I try to convince others too forcefully...There is a lot of hand holding while most practitioners involved in the helping profession repackage truth ,candy coat it and make it presentable to people who deeply want to change but find it very hard to do so...

This video may shock you and to be honest I hope it does..Change start within when we are shocked and it may even motivate you into believing that there is more then one way to achieve a goal...Health really is prevention in a nutshell...Here is the bottom line truth...Money makes the world go round and round..and where she stops nobody knows for sure..but one thing is absolutley clear: Billions of dollars  are made from people who want instant gratification...Put health in a box and sell it and promote it to the hilt to a public that is unaware of the hidden dangers..Most of us believe that anyone in a white lab coat is there to help you in your quest for the answers you are seeking regarding your health..Truth be told they come to a health facility every day the same way a sales clerk comes to a store..No different then the average working person..They are all part of a complex mechanism of survival which has caused us to be hoodwinked into believing that they deeply care about your health...We are too busy spinning our wheels in our own jobs to want to take total control..of something which in reality should be our own responsiblity...

This video is about the current insanity of the administration of a flu shot which seems to be different every year..billions are made from the sales of this vaccine as people line up in droves expecting the instant gratification and assurance of health in a box..We are decieved into believing that a flu shot will prop up our immune system to the point that our bodies will reject any communicable disease flu or virus that happens to be lurking around the corner...The truth is that a flu shot only protects us about ten percent of the time..from the flu viruses that are out there..The other 90 percent of all communicable diseases could invade us at any given time..like a thief in the night..Get the picture? The illusion of total protection has brainwashed us into believing that the holy grail of health is in a flu shot..Millions of dollars in advertising are spent so that billions are made from the flu vaccines..We need to take over our health today and redefine what is important to us while rejecting any profit generated solution to what constitutes health..There were many entries in the verifiedbeleiver series of entries which addresses how to prop up the immune system which in essense will make a dangerous  flu shot unneccesary..

In retrospect let's all have an open mind toward truth as it applies to our health..The answer is in prevention and if we re-assign the job of who actually is in charge we then begin to understand the realities...We need to be our own advocate and partner with the health industry but must also  demand the very best from our health system..being diligent and implementing lifestyle changes on a daily basis will give us the health improvement we are seeking..

Christmas is almost around the corner and my wish to everyone is to enjoy life..while maintaining an unshakable belief system deep within the persona..truth is not that hard to accept..it doesn't nag or constantly drags you to the ground..it resonates like a perfectly tuned guitar string..that reminds me..it's time to practice that special song ...guitar boogie by Arthur Smith..it's a dilly but worth learning..hehe

Stay well....love ya!

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