Sunday, October 06, 2024

Present day trends ,beliefs ,and current state of affairs..

 hello folks!

It's been way too long since my last entry and to tell you the truth the world in its current state of existence is on borrowed time when it comes to the next generation of babies born in 2024..What kind of life will they have and what kind of world will we give them?....Do world politicians care about the babies born now and the world they will inherit when all the baby boomers pass on? Even though I'm also a baby boomer I have very limited power to change this world any more than the manager of the local Walmart has. Real power is not reserved for any world leader of today because they have no idea on how to change this world as far as global peace and the sanctity of this planet is concerned. Johnny Cash who coined the name "man in black"  saw how pathetic the present world is and how everyone is suffering a multitude of different ways. He cried and suffered for this world when he wrote that song and sang it publicly. And even wore black to convey this image of himself  to his fans. He also had his own demons to contend with and managed to win the battle of drug addiction by the grace of a higher power who inspired him to change...He felt he had to and the 'I'm a walrus song' of change from John Lennon must of influenced him greatly because he knew deep within his persona that he had to set an example to his fans...Lead by example is the best way to lead...He knew that his persona demanded a certain amount of purity which literally came from the ashes of a deep inner struggle which he ultimately overcame. Yes folks true leadership is a very rare thing in todays world...Mother Teresa led by example by being a savior to all those impoverished children that were in the gutters of India. She saw the suffering and actually felt the suffering deep within her heart of hearts. This is the reason why she took it upon herself and her organization Missionaries of charity to help the poor and the marginalized of India to make a difference in the world. She was given a state funeral and also a Nobel peace prize for her contributions and was canonized as a saint in 2016.

That is a true leader and how many people aspire to be like Mother Teresa?. Not very many that's for sure and because it is so rare to find a leader like her our present society feels a bit justified in adoring her and glorifying her by any means possible. It is very easy to say well done my faithful servant but our lowly earthly judgement and praise to a god sent missionary does not mean a thing if we do not become better people because of it. The phrase well done my faithful servant will certainly be conveyed to her by the magnificent one when she receives her heavenly reward as a result of her outstanding efforts!

The part title Present day trends have change the narrative of our social fabric and may even effect the declining population problem that might arise because of present day beliefs based on the feminine movement or as they say the Me too movement which says that women should be put on equal footing with men and therefore a man's paycheck should not be any different then a woman's paycheck for similar jobs or executive positions. In todays world men control the world's finances, infrastructure, and social fabric. While women know this they in turn feel threatened by male dominance and superiority and because of this feel the urge to start these feminist movements. More and more women are taking more non traditional roles which males have dominated in the past. There have been more women in the construction trades then in the past and going in space along with men seems normal. Even though it sounds plausible and basically correct to allow women the opportunities men have.. nature of their own personal biases also feel threatened. The present day narrative goes something like this: Woman by nature of their own maternal instincts want to have their own personal legacy as far as giving birth to their own son or daughter but feel that they should be compensated for staying at home and raising a family. More and more women have quit their jobs and high paying jobs just to stay at home and raise a family. They feel that should be sufficient enough for a man to go out and bring in the necessary finances so a household can stay above water so to speak. The only problem with that is our north American dollar has been ransacked and ravaged because of an incremental influence that inflation has had in corroding what a dollar can buy in todays economic climate. There was a time in the 60's and late 50's that only one paycheck could of supported a household and even buy a house...Which was great and those were happier times when a housewife would be happy with her role because there was no pressure from  the husband to find a job or bring in extra funds. Inflation was under control and because of this the dollar was strong. There was a stronger foundation for the North American dollar during those good years since gold was pegged at 35 dollars an oz...One paycheck was all you needed to support a family and even save to buy a house. As long as you were considered among the middle class range of financial productivity you were considered normal...The micro was greatly influenced by the macro economy which was based on a good foundation. We all benefited from those years and there seemed to be no end in sight...Until...! The North American government (US, Canada) started the ball rolling in the wrong direction. Governments began running out of money because of fiscal irresponsibility and mismanagement and spending way to much just to keep up with the standards of the middle class and proceeds from income taxes and other taxes were not enough to fix the growing deficit....something had to give.. Cashing in all those gold reserves at Fort Knox just to keep up with a growing deficit wasn't the answer. The dollar was loosing credibility and could not keep up with the parameters that gold set for it. Once gold was eliminated from backing the dollar in the Nixon years the government thought that it would be a temporary fix for the economy and the central bank began issuing loans by the sheer power and will of the government. As the deficit grew through continuing fiscal irresponsibility the government started printing more and more money and was indebted to the central bank. Thus inflation and economic instability started to appear and the social family fabric of the middle class began showing signs of frustration and uncertainty which ultimately grew as it now appears today. The One family paycheck which was heaven on earth in the 50's and 60's now needs two paychecks plus a part-time one just to keep todays world this is all sad but true. But todays deficit is over 3 trillion and it seems there is no end in sight. The threat of a government shutdown now has become common in the united states and a trillion will be needed in the next year or two just to finance social security and old age pensions. To raise income taxes high enough to make a difference would cause a riot within the population and a better idea would be to put an extra 20 percent tax to the very rich. Who probably would grin and bear it. 

Politicians know that taxing the very rich at a higher rate then normal would hamper their future re-election prospects since the very rich are the ones who donate the most or at least have the clout to fund-raise the most since they are very well known publicly.. when it comes down to campaign donations. Rich movie stars like George Clooney raised millions for the democratic party and to have political connections is common  in todays world. Because money controls the power and to have someone re-elected can cost millions in advertising once a political campaign starts. The glamour the glitz and the grandeur and finally the glory of the most powerful position in the world once elected maybe the ultimate goal or prize that could be on the minds of any American in today's world. But one has to realize in a very down to earth manner that this is no job that any American can do and while it can be very complimentary to one's ego and psyche the ultimate qualification is that you must be a born leader who must have split second decision making skills...The safety of the world is in a future president's hands...he or she would have access to nuclear codes which are given to him or her once elected. Madame Harris could be the next president but with that giddy laugh of hers who knows if she realizes the power and influence and the ultimate responsibility she would have. I often stay awake at night wondering why she laughs like that ..and the only reasons I can think of is she would be making history as the only woman who could be elected president and being of color really should not matter but it really does to people subconsciously. Because the way North Americans are we keep labelling people as black or white and not as Americans.. She is giddy and deliriously happy and her ego is stroked to such a high degree that she can't help but be happy about her possibility of grabbing that golden carrot of power!. She already has a taste of it by being the vice president but only time will tell if she is the real deal which the USA needs right now.. Of course Trump could be re-elected and to give him credit we all can fully understand his role as a future president.. since he had the taste of power and it's pitfalls and to be honest the only reason why he is running for president is because it gives him a legal advantage to stay out of jail while he waits. The court system knows this and that is why they are dragging their feet thus giving him a break because they know that power in reality controls people of all caliber!..

If I was hiring someone for my company it would be a person who knows how to listen and gets along well with people. With their different perceptions good and bad the US political system must learn to respect each other and learn to bridge their different perceptions for the good of the people and the world. Donald Trump is a narcist who listens to know one but himself and would prefer an authoritarian government where he would have absolute control. This is why he got along well with Putin and even gave him credit where no credit or respect should have been given. It's absolutely insane that a person would get a job in a large company if he was a convicted felon or rapist and was convicted of fraud. What kind of company would hire such a person...the mafia?...who knows?!..The current political system must change and laws need to be enacted to disqualify such a person...Such is life in the political arena!..

In the next part parcel of the title we have certain sets of beliefs according to ones everyday perceptions. One type of belief or should I say a general set of beliefs are what constitutes the general state of affairs in today's world. We all know that regular smoking causes cancer if one inhales that nicotine and all those carcinogenic compounds...most smokers and I fully suspect all smokers  know this but do they stop this disgusting habit? Well the present belief or should I say their perspective goes something like this: Hey..."I'm going to die anyway and I might as well enjoy it"...That's one train of thought and there are many others such as: I'm very nervous or the world is going crazy and I need something to calm me down...or all my cool friends smoke and I have a difficult time finding friends and people who don't smoke tend to be more uptight and rigid and conform to society to a tee. Then on the other side of the coin there are others who quit cold turkey and have become stronger persons and as a result have learned to discipline themselves in other aspects of life. Others like to be baby-sat while they use electronic cigarettes, go to shock therapy sessions, chew nicotine gum or even listen to stop smoking self-hypnosis tapes to quit...There are millions who are successful with all of the above methods but then others relapse and start again. My sincere respect go to the ones who have permanently quit and as a result have cleaned out their lungs and probably may have avoided cancer in the near future..

In my previous blog entries I discussed the snake or angel of perception that people have and one man's perception is the right thing to do and another one's perception is one of evil intent. The world has been threatened by climate change and most governments simply ignore it or talk a lot about it but do nothing that will change things. Instead world politicians engage in wars because there are reasons why they do this. Being different and having different viewpoints or world views causes differences and strife in many people. Instead of accepting ones differences and learning to compromise and get along for the sake of the population they instead attack other countries knowing fully that engaging in wars serves no purpose. I can see that if one country is the aggressor because they want to expand their influence then another country should have the right to defend itself...My personal belief here is that the end of the world will not end because of climate change but will end because of the different perspectives or collective snakes of perception among people. Sadly this is the state of affairs in today's world where Ukraine and Russia sees no end to this dilemma and the Middle east is a dangerous powder keg of potential disaster waiting to happen! In most countries the people have the real power but hopelessly surrender to certain evil dictators. Who simply say to their people I will give you a comfortable lifestyle and many opportunities within your country but you must stay out of politics. People comply because in reality they feel powerless and or brainwashed by a government who's main modus operandi is deflection and propaganda based on lies while they rob their government coffers to the tune of billions while a close circuit of power divides the proceeds ...Little do the people know is that they are being deceived and manipulated by a dictator who only cares about his own personal ambitions and glory. One day this person will be judged not by the international criminal court of Haig but by a much higher court and as a result will be taken away by shadowy figures who will drag his soul to eternal damnation .Mr. Putin is such a person.. if we are lucky he will be stopped prior to his death but don't count on it...He must realize that Karma is much more powerful then the threat of nuclear weapons or using conventional  weapons.. Sacrificing his own people in a "meat grinder war" and killing many innocent people in another country is evil and there is only one outcome...Evil will eventually be destroyed either by the second coming of JC or the power that good decent people have..

Let's all pray and raise ourselves to a higher vibrational level thus making for a better world. We can do it eventually. Jesus has said himself that the kingdom of god is within all of us if only we believe and acted on those beliefs. We are god particles manifesting as human beings. Our destiny is to manifest what our inner higher power desires. Each one of us has a unique power that wants to grow spiritually and that should be on everyone's mind.. Sadly. It's a tough sell and some are buying it but a lot of us are following the heard of survival which many people are blinded by..

Stay tuned for the next entry of the verifiedbeliever...Love ya!


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