Monday, October 24, 2016

State of the World today...and what can we do about it?!

hello Folks,

It's been a long time since my last entry and there are times thinking and acting just don't mesh as they should....but nevertheless we are here in this time space of North America whether we like it or not...We cannot change things to suit yours truly can we? It would be nice to have a 495 dollar SG super deluxe cell phone wouldn't it? Or is it really needed?...I have a 100 dollar and change mobility cell which has lasted over two years and has served me can text anyone in the world and I can talk to anyone in Canada...all for 35 dollars a month!...Why do I need the bells and whistles of a bigger screen and fancy icons which is really only cosmetic....they give it to you free with a two year contract...Total charges 70 dollars a month plus taxes...Are you kidding me? I pay 39.50 a month including taxes and it still behaves like a phone should behave...I have complete control over my phone bill and if I pay it late they only move the anniversary date further ahead a few late payment charges ..and I have complete control!!!..I think the price of control is underestimated...we would rather be told what to do and have something fancy rather than get unemotional with something practical..So...the state of your world today is...I want what I want and to hoot with the price of it...your reasoning is oh well I deserve it don't I? a result people buy things out of emotion and get emotionally attached to something and are blinded by the practical aspects of reality...

Such is today's world...we make our decisions based on emotion and not with strict unadulterated logic and mindfulness!...What if we take the money we saved on not buying cigarettes, junk food, useless expensive electronic toys, and give it to a central peace organization!... or a central Health Organization which deals with the prevention of disease as opposed to the control of it!...Can the state of the world be improved this way?...My guess is a resounding yes! retrospect today's world is filled with egotistical self centered and greedy people who want what they want...and usually get it...don't they?...Of course they do! The economy is built on people picking their own poison and fulfilling the needs of greedy 'want what they want' people...and the world continues to be the way it is..

There is a power grab in the political arena whereby politicians or potential candidates exert their influence on unsuspecting citizens...thinking they really have no choice of the's really Mr. foul mouth or Mrs. we as citizens of a powerful and beautiful country such as the US.. feel powerless and we really have no control in such matters...If the media aired one's dirty laundry such as Mr Trump's you think major corporations would hire such a person?...Believe me it is very hard to get a job with Apple unless you are super talented and with impeccable credentials and impeccable soft skills....Do you think they would hire a person such as Mr Trump with his foul mouth sexists remarks toward women? I don't think so!,....Would they hire a person such as Mrs Clinton with her super disorganizational traits who doesn't understand the difference between a personal and a classified email?...I think not!...Why would the United States of  America tolerate such dysfunctional candidates?   Most companies would show them the exit door!...We as citizens cannot do that now ...only when the damage is done four years later can we re elect some other stupid candidate...This is the state of the world today...We as people are swept under the rug by power, influence, and the big money brokers who will decide how you live and how much taxes to pay...and the greedy power companies who sell power at ridiculous prices to citizens.....Hydro rates have gone up over 300 percent over the last 7 years....and with no end in sight!...Ah they say!...Let's go to Mars and rebuild society the way it should be built!...Let's get one thing straight...We as people will never change...We are running away from our problems and when we get to Mars we still have those problems..but only in a smaller way..and it will be only a matter of time when Mars will be like earth is now..The solution?.....Why not rebuild our planet step by step and dismantle the useless planet sucking industries now! We can have one city ...maybe a prototype city which will only let in good people ...people of faith and integrity! People who believe in green technology and who can implement this right away!...It only takes one prototype city or even a small town to make it reality!

The state of the world today is not a good time to have children...I beg you ...if you are a young couple refrain from having more than one child or better yet just live together with out the urge to procreate!...I know I know's easier said than done....but if we want to live in a better society we do not have to die and go to heaven to get there....Heaven is perfect isn't it? or is it?...but we think it's perfect because anything is better than this god forsaken planet...We believe heaven is utopia where peace and tranquility reside.. we feel powerless to create it here while we are living so it gives us the excuse to not create it ... we think we are going to go to this utopia in the sky after we die dam if I will do my part to make this world a utopia of peace and tranquility..I will help my brother harry he's homeless and my sister Cathy she is jobless..and will help my disabled husband till I drop...and will then go to this utopia in the sky and that 's it!...see the zany logic? we invent some crazy idea it is there after we die...Who knows what's out there after we cross the line of our demise but one thing I can truly say is this: We create our own karma and if we are a rock star like mother Teresa then there may very well be a perfect kingdom out there for what's out there may not be any better than here...who knows for sure?....Let's all eat healthy, exercise, live a stress free life...and  DIE ANYWAY!...(rolling on the floor laughing)

The state of the world today is one of distrust...People want this and people want that....People cannot agree on anything can they? Where are the common goals which could elevate this planet to paradise status where everyone would have enough to eat and all lands were used intelligently and all resources shared equally...among the poor...that would be a utopia for many generations ...but bad habits die hard and may never really what can we do as a people? We can start by praying and showing love toward each other.....Carl Jung said it eloquently.."Where love rules, there is no will to power and where power predominates love is lacking...One is the shadow of the other"

Well there you have it folks! We can do our own part even in a small way...the total good is added up to make a society to be proud of....Just do your own make the world cleaner, safer, and do things which empower people...Stay tuned for the next entry of the verifiedbeliever.....ciao love ya!

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