Saturday, October 08, 2011

May I brainwash you today?

hello folks! dear friends family and readers..How goes the battle? Are we winning any major wars lately? Considering how much money is spent on actual wars such as Iraq, it's no surprise that major economies have little else to spend on actually winning other wars which actually saves more lives than the battle field...Thousands of people died in WW1, WW2, Iraq and Vietnam..Billions were spent on these wars but little was gained...How can one justify a government spending billions on a war when their own people are dying prematurely due to diabetes heart disease and cancer? Then there are the actual economic spin-offs that war brings which rejuvenates the supply and demand balance and creates jobs for many..Sometimes I think that governments engage in war so as to create a diversion of patriotic pride from which the typical citizen benefits little..The entry May I brainwash you today gives the typical citizen mild amnesia as to the reasons why wars are created..Most people just sit there and complain or some may even wave the American or Canadian flag while hundreds of their own men are dying in the battle field...John Lennon's quote "Communication is the problem to the answer" is irrelevant as saber rattling, international finger pointing and stubborn leaderships makes the idea of cooperative diplomacy unlikely..

Let's give a round of applause for the human spirit and it's power to realize that subjecting ordinary citizens to manipulative controls or brainwashing can be totally realized deep within each person..There exists a powder keg of packaged truth and it will only be a matter of time when this package is exploded deep within us..The protests of ordinary citizens to dictatorial governments in the Middle East has caused a major revolution in the political landscape of these regions.. Common decency and respect must be included in each country's Constitution...if it is not  then the collective spirit of change will make it so..Even though the disposed leaders no longer govern due to rebellious uprisings...a chaotic climate presently exists..Before change can set a firm foundation chaos must be the mother of it..This is happening in Iraq and Libya presently as discussions are ongoing to have a more democratic government..
There is a very powerful force in the common people..the spirit of the multitudes has a tremendous cumulative effect when battling the sinister and corrupt dictator...Brainwashing the common people by implementing fear tactics by the hands of political henchmen such as Saddam Hussein has made the common people revolt against his Baath the USA the mandate to overthrow him...After over 30 years of manipulation and brainwashing his citizens... Hosni Mubarech stepped down. The common spirit of Egypt finally created discontent and unrest and that left him no other option..This anti-government uprising that infiltrated Egypt and Iraq caused a domino effect beyond their borders...As a result Iran, Bahrain Libya, and Yemen have all awakened the common spirit of these countries...Rebellious citizens of Libya have battled the pro Gadhafi forces enough  to cause Moammar Gadhafi to try to escape to a sympathetic country...and the latest he was captured in a drain pipe..begging for his life..and was eventually killed by his own people....The human spirit has gained a very powerful victory and because of this he will no longer brainwash, torture or manipulate Libya again!

To be brainwashed and manipulated by dictators is something the common people can no longer tolerate..It has taken a long time to finally understand what is going on...but dictatorship based on tryanny  has less significance today then 100 years ago..People are realizing the power in the collective spirit as political dictators are forced to account for their actions and atrocities... Finally we can say: Hallelujah my brothers and sisters!

Manipulative tyranny and brainwashing citizens has been ongoing for a considerable  period and one can say it's more obvious to the average person.. when tyranny is evident brainwashing becomes more pronounced..Governments use fear tactics to control their citizens into submission..resulting in many atrocities to any group or individual who dares to  challenge dictatorial policies..

According to Western Democratic standards the Middle East and Communist countries do have more control over their citizens and are deprived of most freedoms we take for granted in our Northern hemisphere..but let us not believe for even a second that we live a Utopian existence..crime ,drugs and the freedom to pick your poison when it comes to junk foods, alcohol, or prescription drugs is  quite evident in the US and Canada and most democratic countries..The snake of perception  is that the almighty dollar is King here and Canada will not all of a sudden ban cigarette smoking due to the Cash tax cow it provides it's coffers... Subliminal advertising has literally brainwashed us into buying cigarettes...Pictures of the ultra cool James Dean on a motorcycle  with a cigarette dangling from his mouth has made smoking popular with the youth of today..Movies seem to make cigarettes cool especially after certain sexual scenes..We are brainwashed innocently by the media all around us..Macdonalds ads also use subliminal advertising to sell their sugar-fat coated junk food to our children..and even the adults are held hostage by their taste buds..We  have been accustomed to what an economic dependant society wants us to buy..Indeed...we are all brainwashed into thinking and even believing that those feel good endorphines coming from those comfort foods are needed...We associate these comfort foods with the sadness and lonelyness we feel...We immediateley get the endorphine rush that potato chips can give..We are brainwashed into thinking that what feels good to us is generally good for us..

Yes my dear people...we are robots and are literally addicted to what is wrong...The very sad fact is this: We are all comfortable doing and saying the wrong things...The extended versions of mofo and f....are heard  on a daily basis..We are  mechanical machines and automatically use profain language as a daily ritual..What we are doing and saying is a result of faulty programming...Society will put a strong hold on what you should weigh according to their standards..Movie stars singers and people in the public eye are automatically scrutinized if their weight should even go up ten pounds..The national inquirer has gone through many lawsuits concerning defamation and inaccurate reporting..We  vicariously brainwash ourselves into thinking that a movie star or rock star's life is more important than our own..Justin Beiber's locks were recently sold via auction for a ridiculous 40,000 dollars...and the insanity continues as the almighty dollar causes the snake of perception to raise it's ugly head..

My My Mr. dare you ramble about one's shortcomings!? Well...I can firmly attest that we are here to help each other and to serve our fellow man as much as we can..This I believe is the antidote for a society...We must elevate ourselves and literally reprogram our minds to reflect that inner package of truth that resides deep inside one's persona..Computer techs do it everyday...To reformat a hard-drive is a common practice...erasing the faulty codes, bugs and viruses is what reformatting does to a hard drive...I don't see any difference in our minds...Our minds are vastly superior to any computer and for this reason should be more important..In my day to day studies and experience with NLP, and hypnosis I can faithfully say that using these techniques to communicate with the subconscious and the unconscious should go a long way in solving deep rooted issues..

Let us not believe everything you see and read. We must eventually go through an inner screening process...A general rule I have is this: If it resonates loudly from deep within then you have just found truth..Truth does emit an energy and if one is a feeling person such as I'am an empowered life based on truth should come natural..Self improvement researchers such as Tony Robbins and Brain Tracy have said that to adopt a new habit should take about 28 days...if it is practiced on a daily basis..Let us all become  free spirits and do what's right for our minds and bodies...on a daily basis..We are not robots but spiritual beings trying to be human..not humans trying to be spiritual...Our real identity is a spiritual one..I have gotten use to the new me..and will never look back....The collective spirit of change is awesome and they say the total collective spirit equates to God himself..for all rivers lead into an ocean..The yin and yang of good and evil will always remain..but the good in one's spiritual evolution will prevail in the end.. as evil thinks it has the upper hand..but the ultimate good in this universe will win the war.. hallelujah my brothers and sisters! Let 's all become verifiedbelievers of Truth!

Stay tuned for the next entry of the verifiedbeliever! Love ya!

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