Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My hiatus...BMI nirvana..countdown begins..


Yes my dear people, friends, family and readers..Mountains are the toughest thing to climb..Just do your research on Mount Everest and how many climbers it took to finally conquer her..Things fall into place quite nicely when the will of the spirit co-operates as the blood sweat and tears of the body tries to keep up..In linguistics a hiatus is what separates two vowels... as in the word 'co-operate'..there were many times when the spirit was not so willing and the sight of pizza, tortilla chips and a do-nut once in a while sure looked tempting..tempting enough for me to actually buy a couple of pizza slices..My robotic action of mind to body made me realize that those actions were the result of previous faulty beliefs..My inner rationalizations would go something like this: "Who gives a dam about one single day...I will make up for it the next day"..this happened many times and as a result the scale would often frustrate me... The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over and there were many times I really did expect different in retrospect I am determined to go on a hiatus of sorts and concentrate on a manuscript for a book I would like to get out... A hiatus in another view is when a person is in isolation for a purpose..All of my readers, family,and friends will never be forgotten but total seclusion to ratify my goals in nutrition, career aspirations and personal self development will hopefully propel me into my new phase of self transformation in the coming new year..

Stay tuned for the countdown...Presently weighing in at 174 lbs as of Nov 24th 2011...the last 4 lbs is extremely difficult due to my body's unwillingness to give up on the idea that it feels comfortable at this weight...Medically speaking though ...170 lbs should be the goal for a person of my age and height..Keeping busy with my manuscript while achieving a major health goal is the best strategy..multitasking at it's best is the idea here..

Stay tuned for the next entry of the verifiedbeliever...and please stay relaxed and focused as there is no need to go bonkers even though the xmas rush of priorities does that to people!..
Love ya!

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