Monday, July 16, 2012

Priority Health Perspectives...

Hello folks!

Keeping cool? I hope you do!.. and please stay inside when it gets too unpleasant to even breathe outdoors...Keeping hydrated and cool sounds redundant but nevertheless can also save your life..Malls and air conditioned buildings seem to be a welcome comfort zone as up to 70 people have passed on from the terrible heat wave radiating from the southern U.S...Scientists are telling us ..."I told you so" in loud overtones as they scramble to find solutions to this warming effect...that has literally made the world a different runaway gobs of carbons infiltrate our atmosphere... Air Quality Polution days are becoming more frequent as more people suddenly find themselves dying from polution related bronchitis...How do we feel as parents when we decide to leave our children with property and life long treasures when we really  feel helpless when it comes to leaving our planet a little better for them? Is the world of the future going to be dark lonely sections of mole like populated areas existing deep within the planet's crust? Is this the world we are going to leave the next generation? Well...the actual saving grace  ...and advice is to live the best way we can under any kind of circumstances that are thrown at us...

Let us remember that we are here for a very small blipof time compared to the humongous cosmic clock of eternity..Unless we are the movers and shakers of this world let's grin and bear it and just live the very best we can...and become the kind of person that sets an example..a good example..not and evil or greedy one...There are too many copycat satan lookalikes like Lucca Magnotta that disrespect  life to the extreme..and the sick part of it all is that he even has a fan-based majority of women who have showed undying love for this sick monster..This shows that anything good or bad can have a following of supporters..

This blog focuses on what is possible and what can benefit each person in a positive way..There are too many different opinions in the medical field of health and personal advice..Let's take a bitter pill of truth and concentrate on what actually inspires us and try not to be blinded or in denial of it either...the above entry Priority health Perspectives summarizes what we can do to achieve a healthy life...If we are not healthy we cannot change for the better and therefore cannot set the example for change...Let's examine this entry carefully....Being healthy starts with the body..the house so to speak...we are all tenants of that house..and you know as well as I do that...if you are homeless and have no where to live you cannot be happy and fulfill your dreams..being stable in this regard applies to ones body..the priority then is to start health in a psychical way first...then concentrate on your goals from there..By using comparison as an example values look more appealing and thus truth can be easily implemented...Ok...ready ...set?...Let's dig for gold!

As we all should know the brain and body are intricately nerves, veins, tissue, and neurotransmitters..Neurotransmitters are protein molecules that are used within the body to communicate how we feel...When we feel depressed or even full of energy it is due to these molecules...primarily serotonin..When there is an adequate supply of this protein molecule we feel good...happy to be alive...and can experience life in a happy way..Academic professionals of all types can verily attest to the validity of this basic premise..When we are happy we feel motivated and procrastination takes a back seat to enthusiasm and positive action...We are more inclined to help people or start a homeless shelter when we are happy with ourselves..As I have stated previously many times on this blog one set of circumstances readily effects other sets and before you know it accepting truth will make someone a very happy camper indeed!

One's health therefore in priority of importance is: #1 the nervous system #2 the hormonal system #3 the digestive system #4 the detoxification system..As we discussed in the previous paragraph the nervous system is the the most important issue to focus on first because when we need to nourish this  before we can steer the ship to the other classifications along the priority sequence....#1 in the nervous system is that the brain rules and we must nourish it the most efficient way we can so that implementing health to the other classifications will be easier...Serotonin is the happy molecule in the nervous system and this part is crucial in the priority sequence of operations...

The #2 sequence of priority is the hormonal you see how this is affecting the #1 on the list?....When we are stressed we increase the production of the hormone cortisol...when cortisol goes up the supply of serotonin goes down..when we have low serotonin we try to compensate by eating foods which helps us feel good...but emotional eating or over indulging this way can make us gain more weight...all this extra cortisol in the blood also increases our blood pressure and is detrimental to the cardio-vascular system in general...

#3 on the list is the digestive see how this effects each classification? As stress increases and cortisol rises antibodies are produced in the intestinal tract called IgA, decrease...(Stress can also mean psychological and biological) This in turn causes poor digestion and therefore causes pathogens , parasites and bacterial infections to increase proportionately...

#4 on the list is the detoxification system..When a digestive lining is compromised this way it allows chemicals (pesticides additives from food) and other toxins to enter the blood stream..this overloading of toxins causes the liver to dump the excess over to the general circulation...The blood stream over loaded with toxins the liver cannot detoxify causes premature cell death...leading to organ and gland dysfunction and a host of symptoms and conditions which inevitably lead to disease... A sad and scary set of conditions aren't they?

Conventional medicine's answer to low serotonin is to allow Doctors to prescribe SSRI's (selective serotonin re-uptake inhihitors)...This is the world's most profitable scam going at the moment...Big Pharma is getting tipsy from all those cash receipts from the  billions of dollars of sales of SSRI's...Examples of the SSRI include Prozac, Zoloft and Paxil..these substitute alternatives to natural serotonin can be useful only if taken in moderation...but doctors tend to over-prescribe due to pressures from the big pharmaceutical companies...What people do not realize is that chronic overuse of these SSRI's causes serotonin levels to diminish..This is very similar to the lock and key situation in a cell involving insulin and glucose...when glucose becomes too abundant in the blood insulin and glucose cannot be transported to the cell...and the glucose is left out of the cell...leaving the fat cells to absorb it..This can and does lead to weight gain and we have what medicine calls being insulin resistant...Similarly, the nerve cell is also like a lock and key and when the serotonin being prescribed becomes overused the cell receptor that the molecule serotonin fits in to becomes resistant to it..when this happens more and more must be prescribed to get the same effect...over use and chronic use of these prescriptions can cause damage to the serotonin receptor..We are being duped into believing that more is beneficial and the public is really not aware of how those big pharmaceutical companies are manipulating the medical profession to prescribe worthless and dangerous drugs to the public...when will the insanity stop? My guess is: ....when the world stops using money as a means to an end! Listen folks...cheer up! There is a logical, natural and god given way to do it right!...

A simple but natural approach is to get back to basics...the way mother nature prescribes!...The three step alternative approach to taking artificial drugs is to increase our serotonin the natural ...sleep exercise and the right food...

When one lacks the proper sleep on a nightly basis cortisol increases which then decreases the mount of L-Tryptophan that makes it to the brain...L -Tryptophan is the precursor or fundamental building blocks for serotonin production..when you sleep adequately (between 7 to 8 hrs ) you reverse this cycle and serotonin normalizes ...

According to studies done exercise on a continuous basis balances one's serotonin levels very similar to SSRI's and without the same side effects or serotonin receptor resistance....

The right foods also aid in the proper balance of serotonin...Recent medical research has shown that eating the right foods such as polyunsaturated fat (PUFA) along with carbs which are low glycemic such as vegetables can make the nerve cell serotonin receptor more efficient..this in turn increases the nutrients entering and the toxins exiting the cell...So in conclusion ...doing it the way nature provides is the best way!...

Don't let the snake of perception make you believe that everything you hear and read is the truth..if it resonates and feels like the truth it probably is...deep within your persona...if it quacks like a duck and even looks like a duck...your guess it is a got it.. Donald duck! Let's all crack the egg of truth from Mr. Donald duck! I know you can do it! Stop quacking and get Cracking! (hehe)

Stay tuned for our next entry from the verifiedbeliever...Ciao love ya!

Research credits:  weeklyvoice newspaper
                            Dr. Keith Nemec
                            general medical websites
                            consensus of truth reached when my persona vibrates 
                            general knowledge accumulated as a blog writer (6 yrs)

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