Monday, May 21, 2012

It's Poetry Night in Parkdale again!

hello folks!
How is everyone on this beautiful May day? Spring has finally come to terms with a proper identity compared to that weird winter we just had..Wouldn't it be nice to freeze time so that every day could be like today? Well...if this May day were poetry then everyone would have to be smiling and the expression hi sunshine...would apply to everyone..Yea let's all think positive and enjoy the zen moments of Spring and at the same time keep a permanent smile on so as to awaken the best part of ourselves!..

Speaking of poetry, it was poetry night Friday night as all those budding poets, story tellers and musician-song writers did their thing with absolute pride and joy!
Again, as with any particular night the poetry facilitator began the night with these special topics catch phrases and words...Write a special paragraph or two with these words:..... It started last night.....My contribution  for the night was:

                                                It Started last night
        As I set the timer I began to realize those Zen moments more clearly..
        It started last night....

        I began to focus on realistic and absolute truth and my own expectations..
        It started last night.. ..

        Who am I but a spoke on a wheel? That universal machine moves me along
        effortlessly. I think I serve an exact purpose. No shame in that!
        It started last night..
        Circumstances effecting other circumstances. Reality just a mosaic of
        patterns and actions..Luck attracting luck. Evil attracting evil....
        It started last night...

        As I pushed the fast forward button I saw myself lying in bed...Dying....but in
        glorious painless ecstasy! A butter-fly approaches me... tenderly embraces
        me... then merges with me..I have now become the butter-fly!
        Yea...It started last night!

                                                 original works by Mario Querqui




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