Monday, January 14, 2013

The state of Music today...Let's all enjoy.. but be aware!

Hello folks!

..Music has always been a valuable part of my life and I'm sure it is also very important to most people too. Pure acoustic concerts demonstrates how music should be...The lyrics should be easy to understand as well as promoting peace, love and understanding..Somehow today's electronic digitized software embedded music with want to be singers such as snoop-dog and 50 cent simply does not make the grade..Many young people buy into this not
because it is musically pleasing to the ear but because it is different then the conventional popular music of yesterday.These hip hop artists or should I say con-artist?...hell...why not? Yes they are con-artists who have sabotaged and have have taken music hostage!...

As a consulting hypnotist I have written this entry to warn others to the dangers of listening to music which is undecipherable when heard...Those trance like digitized programmed beats programmed by the likes of Eminem ,Snoop dog, and 50 cent..are easy bait to the ears of many young people today..They stamp their feet to the beat and at the same time are oblivious to what is actually being said in the lyrics..
Most people will ignore a person preaching on the street...but rappers tend to ramble at super sonic speed as they are rapping to this programmed beat...The actual lyrics are fully known to the so called artist..and what is being said in that rap song is subconsciously absorbed but consciously we may not have a clue about what is actually being said..The trance like heavy bass beat somehow is intoxicating to the senses as it's mind numbing effects continue to affect people who listen to it..

 We could be influenced subconsciously and this is the problem...We could be negatively influenced in a criminal way and not be consciously aware of it! So called music such as gangsta rap is a prime example of this insanity..and please do not buy into their sizzling hype that it's all art anyway!...People do become easily influenced in a good way and also in an evil way..

Music realistically should be written and listened so as to promote the improvement of mankind and his world as well as the soul..Hip-hop and rap is dangerously popular..similar to how junk food is popular..and we all know what junk food can do to our bodies! Please understand I'm not telling anyone what to listen to or what not to listen to...My job is to relay the hidden dangers of listening to this genre of music..Now if we can eliminate the violence which is programmed on TV then we have a good starting point for positive change!

Stay tuned for our next entry of the verifiedbeliever...the next entry will really blow your mental fuse!

Ciao love ya!

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