Saturday, January 21, 2012

Poetry Night..and Applied Hypnotic power

Hello folks, readers family members!

As another year draws to a close the train of change has finally arrived.. As it roars down the track of life with a vengeance it takes very little passengers..stopping many times to see if certain people are ready for it..The conductor meticulously calls out every small town so that people can go on with their lives in a different spot from where they were previously..This year will be a very different year because of the foundation built in the previous year..A house has a similar foundation and as workmen build each part skillfully and productively the house begins to take the mind's visualized shape..All this is accomplished by the actual blueprint plan..
We also must have a plan..a visualized plan. It wont look like a technical drawing such as a blueprint but mental steps should be recorded and acted upon..Baby steps are needed to finally arrive at the most critical point in your life...The point where desire, beliefs, and planning merge..

My planning, the baby steps, desire and beliefs were like seeds planted on a daily basis..Powerful post hypnotic suggestions kept me on that track of life..and yes...I could actually see the final result in my 3rd eye.. The last 4 pounds have now been lost and I can truthfully say I have now reached my BMI at 169 lbs..How did I achieve it when my body and mind previously said maybe? suggestive self-hypnotic talk that's how! To be more specific...It took me two months to finally realize that my mind is far more powerful than I ever realized..As I Slipped and fell from my high horse I realized that I was still indeed addicted to these junk comfort foods...Being a trained hypnotist made me realize the power I had..The last three weeks were used to put me in an engineered trance..I no longer had the desire to eat those nacho chips pizza or cookies...Passing down the aisles at the supermarket was effortless and easy..What did I actually say to myself that powerfully convinced me to finally change? Here are the actual self-hypnotic suggestions which I used on a daily basis..I repeated them many times during the day..realizing that we all learn by repetition..Please feel free to use these words too if you have issues of addiction which is troubling you..                                               
                                (Conscious mind's 1st generalized order)
                                             "It's going to happen!"
                                (Conscious mind's 2nd direct order to the subconscious)
                                             "Do your job"!
                                (Conscious mind's 3rd direct order to the subconscious)
                                             "No if's and buts"!
                                (Conscious mind's 4th direct order to the subconscious)  
                                             "Do your job"!
                                (Conscious mind's 5th direct order to the subconscious)
                                |            "Collect your reward!"

                                Repeat all the above as needed

Please note: "It's going to happen"
and "No if's and buts" is affirmed  in a forceful manner while "Do your job" is said in a gracious subtle but direct manner..the reason why we do this is because we do not want to upset the critical part of the mind (the gatekeeper). "Collect your reward" is the clincher and gives the powerful part of the mind an assumption the job was already accomplished and the rewards are the benefits reaped by abstaining from anything that will harm the body...such as junk food, cigarettes, alcohol etc

After saying the above post hypnotic suggestions to myself for one week I can proudly say it worked..The reason why we must say Do your job in a gracious subtle manner is because we do not want to upset the gatekeeper or the critical part of the mind..As they say...there is simplicity in genius and it will work for someone else too....

Let's take a break and let's all walk down to Park dale where every third Friday of the month is poetry and talent night..The facilitator supervising the event mentioned that we must use these group of words in an interesting little paragraph or two...."Those aren't mice in the attic!"

                            People wait impatiently as the world turns chaotically
                            The spider spins its web as the hunter hunts his prey
                            Truth is the hardest to sell to a closed mind..
                            Surrender dear sir and madame!
                            Enlightenment will come..
                                      Those aren't mice in the attic!

My 2nd contribution:                            The Odd Ball
                            Yes dear people...the Odd Ball sits alone, thinking contemplating..
                            Not really feeling rejected. Truth be told has no real friends as
                            he celebrates his soul..Banjo on knee..Singing to a material universe

                            The walnut personifies the synchronicity of the conscious mind,
                            the gatekeeper and the servant. He is the odd ball because he is
                            enlightened. The gatekeeper is not as important as the servant.
                            The yin and the yang will argue as the servant goes to the printer.
                            Inwardly the plan is set in motion as the alcoholic takes another drink
                            The yin the yang remains nature's course.The bad the good
                            The wise the ignorant..The hunter the prey..The truth and the lie..

                             Yes dear people..The Odd ball sits alone, thinking, contemplating..
                             Not really feeling rejected. Truth be told has no real friends..
                             Celebrates his soul..Banjo on knee..Singing to a material universe

                             He realizes the inner power of the servant who is a beacon of
                             Encouragement in a universe of confusion and chaos. If we were
                             Not meant to be heard...Why have an ear! Says the Servant

                                              Original works by Mario Querqui

Isn't life fun! Stay tuned for the next adventure of the verifiedbeliever! Ciao Love ya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great entry..on suggestive hypnosis and how it is applied