Thursday, March 29, 2012

State of our world, relationships, faith, and reasons for violence

hello folks!

My the world turns and moves along...the mildest winter on record has caused a huddled havoc among the warming has caused the weather to act like a bucking bronco causing us to wonder if we can tolerate the extreme highs and lows of rapidly changing patterns..The world as we know it is slowly becoming a place where greed is the motivating force behind projects big and small..The state of our world is that global warming, oil spillages and carbon emissions has caused the delicate and intricate Eco-system balance to be compromised..resulting in the gradual depletion of the oceans krill, algae, and plankton food supplies...Sharks are swimming closer to the shore and are getting more desperate as they search for anything that moves...Fish and shell fish stocks are becoming depleted as governments have been putting strict quotas on protect future stocks..
The state of our world is in flux as change puts a stranglehold in the Middle East as their leaders are being expelled and rejected by the common people..Survival is a common denominator as countries saber rattle using their nuclear agendas as economic leverage..the U.S falsely assumes that the world is threatened by these intentions as Israel and Iran do their regular war dance..

International communication is indeed something that needs improvement and assumptions run rampant as confusion sets the stage for a further war of words between countries..The basic fabric of society in common relationships is also in jeopardy as couples wrestle with the snake of perception..They both verbally say they love each other and when differences are brought up in daily conversation..everything all of a sudden becomes toxic...tempers flare and sometimes can get psychically and emotionally abusive.. Once this happens the relationship becomes threatened and both partners become alienated toward one another .. Once this happens the faith in the relationship is questioned and it's value begins to deteriorate...the thing that temporarily saves it is the illusion that the love can be repaired by using sex to forgive each other...In a love-drug like relationship the superficial illusion of what turns each other on also fuels future episodes of a toxic war of words..and the cycle goes on and on and is the main reason why couples wrongly stay together..when the novelty of sex wears off couples begin to drift apart and the desire to seek other partners increases...Such is the reality of everyday relationships...the ideal situation is when a spiritual set of skills are employed...resulting in what constitutes a spiritual intelligence of sorts...If two people can base their relationship on these sets of values...well....we have a bond made in heaven.This a very rare occurrence and once verified as true can be used as concrete parameters to show the meaning of what soul-mate  means to people...the tragedy of present day relationships is the theory of why people are attracted to each other...It can be the lure of sex, power, or money...all false gods which can make for a very unstable foundation....Yes my dear people...such is life and the only thing that true love needs to survive is a realistic faith in it...A spiritual faith in the value of a  relationship is the glue that maintains true everlasting love...

That powerful missing ingredient in an everlasting love can also be used in all aspects of daily
living...Faith is omnipotent and a necessary component in any religious affiliation..Without a deep conviction in a higher power organizations such as AAA would not be able to offer assistance and the support network to any alcoholic who wants to achieve sobriety... Bad habits can be destructive and not so easy to eliminate..A deeply rooted faith in something more powerful then themselves can actually be the trigger that can eliminate a bad habit such as alcoholism,or cigarette smoking..Faith has a powerful energy component which can lead to new neuron-pathways in the brain.. thus eliminating deeply rooted urges in the subconscious...through repetition and affirmation these newly wired neuron-pathways become second nature and the urge to indulge in these old destructive behaviors will be non-existent..Once the reticular activity system in the brain is in harmony with the powerful faith component of desire and willful intent old neuron-pathways of destructive habits are destroyed..One only needs a dedicated faith in an absolute power to activate this available energy to I watching a movie in a theater of the impossible?...Well...the power within comes naturally when I can believe it first...before actually seeing the results..problems arise when the self critic called the gate-keeper has to stop and think things over...sabotaging any positive outcome that may result..

Once faith is deeply accepted as truth a spiritual freedom is unleashed within the persona...One perfect example of this is training to be a sky diver..if one has to seriously re-consider sky diving on a particular day then one will never attempt it...Having complete faith that everything will work out fine gives the person an exhilarating feeling of freedom and when that day comes to jump their whole spirit basks in the glory of actually flying in the air as the spirit enjoys each Zen moment..Once the spirit has achieved this blissful state to it's satisfaction then the parameters of reality kicks in and the chute opens...Only a deep faith in it's power can accomplish this nirvana state of being..In validation to faith's power one only needs to recite the bible and what Jesus said..."having Faith like a small grain of mustard can say to their mountain move and it will move from here to there...and nothing will be impossible for you"...

In our next sub heading violence and the reasons why it happens one must realize that things happen for a reason...Men have an abundant supply of testosterone and is a known fact that it causes aggressive behavior...This is the main reason why most crimes are done by men..why more men then women engage in war, and why power is more socially acceptable to a man rather than a woman..and why the expression...``behind every successful man there is a woman``...why not the other way around?....well...dear people...blame it on those ' hot Mexican jumping beans' called testosterone...he he

One question arises that should be addressed and that fact that certain racial groups are profiled and singled out by police be honest and completely objective one must realize and accept statistical fact as leaning toward truth...without sounding biased or prejudiced the need to address this issue is very urgent...One question one must ask is this: Why are the majority of all crimes perpetrated by Blacks....Well...the answer could be bio-internal as this racial group of people retain more testosterone in their blood than the men are therefore more aggressive and more violent if provoked...Once we understand the root of a problem solutions can be readily brought to the table...I challenge medical scientists and researchers to address this issue and maybe crime as we know it can be minimized...

Well we have a cross section of points and issues which has made me aware of my own issues in life and hopefully will assist you in your own life...without being too serious and boring the next time you are in Tijuana Mexico and are down or depressed for some unknown reason...well there are always those hot Mexican jumping beans which can vitalize or kick-start you to dance up a storm...or maybe a couple of shots of Tequila can do the same thing...and if you have sky dived before the worm at the bottom of the bottle won`t be a problem...he he

Stay tuned for the next issue of the verifiedbeliever....ciao love ya!!!!

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